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Can't take much more - very itchy


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My eyes, top of arms, bottoms of feet and thighs are very itchy. During my taper I had weird rashes on my wrist and finger now I have all this itching in different places on my body. Nothing is red there is no rash but I made scratch marks on my arms because it it itches so bad. I don't know any more. Between this and the anxiety I'm suffering friends. On top of all this after my gums receded so badly I had a gum abscess, I go to the periodontist yesterday and he told me he is not sure I have gum disease.  I have to go back again in two weeks because yesterday he said it looked like all my gums are healing and he didn't want to poke around in them.  I'm left with so many questions, two weeks ago he told me I had noticeable gum disease in many teeth. Now all of this itching. I don't want to go to any doctor because it seems these things pass.  I am worn out.
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the itching passes. mine was bad and annoying. had rashes, etc on both forearms, gone

the back of my ears are clearing up

my right hand still breaks out ::)


for awhile i used Dove unscented soap, it didnt help.

Caress soap is good for me, it doesnt seem o dry my skin out.


im using t sal shampoo on my scalp.

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I wish there was something we could take for the itching!!! I started getting itchy, red, scaly skin on both of my hands in May. Earlier this month I thought it was going away, but now it's getting worse again. I'm sure it's from w/d. I've scratched so much that the areas bleed. Looks awful.
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I had the itchy Red scaly rash on my right hand my whole 19 month taper. Sometimes it would bleed because I scathed so bad. Those scaly areas cleared up since my jump but now I have severe itching in other areas with no rash :-(
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If its withdrawal and nothing medical, you can use cortisone cream. In the US this can be bought at any drugstore cheaply. The other idea is to try taking Bendryl, diphenhydramine. Again, it can be bought without prescription. It has an anti-itching effect, is safe. It may make you drowsy though.

I had this symptom on and off for months. No rashes, though. But I do believe it is probably "just another symptom" of benzo withdrawal.  And if it is, it will go away. But not before making you a little crazy!


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