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Major stress + taper


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Hey, so I have had some bad months but then my cat got sick and I had to go to the doctor with him many days a row and it was so stressful for me all the pain the cat got and cried and stuff... and then there was major stress about the money and all because I'm unemployed and all. It's funny though that all my withdrawals 80% disappeared during the major stress but now after the cat stabilized I had MAJOR backslash.. my back hurts like hell today and I have some ice pick headaches.. I'm like gimme a break sometimes..

Just wanted to share and ask that if it's normal for after stressful events to get hit by major wave ?



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Yes!!! Sometimes I figure adrenaline kicks in during stressful events and we are distracted and doing what needs to get done. Then when all is said and done, we crash.


It is a pattern with me....so absolutely!!



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I am just stressed 24/7 taking care of my sick elderly mom and I am her virtual slave that I don't get an uptick in w/d symptoms b/c it's constant. I've just learned to live with it and do not feel any w/d issues at all. But when 9 pm comes around I just shut my bedroom door and don't talk to anyone until morning.
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