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Hit some kind of wall..!


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I cut from 5 down to 4 on the 12th then realized that's a high percentage but keep going and then on Tuesday of this week I just felt terrible and couldn't seem to stabilize and said f**k it and took like and additional 4mg so I totaled to 8mg on Tuesday.  Yesterday I seemed to feel a tad better today though I am feeling the effects of the updose that day and my whole back is like twitching and I can't seem to relax. I am frustrated because I was having a seemingly good wave before the last cut I did eliminate the afternoon does.. Maybe that's why? Thought wouldn't like 8 days be adjusted? Should I try one day not taking my am or afternoon and all at night or put like .5mg in the afternoon? Bleh  :sick: any thoughts on why I didn't stabilize this time? Thanks!
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Sorry its going South on u again Rich. 8 days isnt enough time to become stable though either imo.


Stick to the routine that was working...no updosing buddy.


Hope you feel better soon.

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I agree with groove. I would have waited it out at least 2-3 weeks for a stabilization instead of updosing. Gotta stick with the plan even thru agony IMO. If it were me, I would resume my taper where I was and hold. And not for a week, for 2weeks, see where I am, and then decide on whether to hold more or cut.  :smitten:



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IMO you cannot have days where you say f**ck it and updose substantially by twice the mg of the taper. If your tapering you must stay consistent to the concept of a taper hold stabilize reduce. Otherwise there is no purpose.
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I know I can't keep up dosing guys.. Thanks, when I go to 3.5 I'll

Go 1-.5-2. As far as how I feel otherwise I feel I have no choice right now then too go to the doc on Monday and ask for Gabapenton and at least see if I can get some relief.. I also suffer from bad ptsd which has been flared up like crazy recently..  Despite multiple phycologists  and multiple supplements I have no other avenue :( 

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I know I can't keep up dosing guys.. Thanks, when I go to 3.5 I'll

Go 1-.5-2. As far as how I feel otherwise I feel I have no choice right now then too go to the doc on Monday and ask for Gabapenton and at least see if I can get some relief.. I also suffer from bad ptsd which has been flared up like crazy recently..  Despite multiple phycologists  and multiple supplements I have no other avenue :(

Yeah, I can relate at least with the urge to up-dose at times, I'm sure we've all had that thought, but even a little up-dose will bring some consequences in the form of setting us back. I am prescribed Gabapentin. FWTF, in my case I only take it on really bad WD days and it does help with certain symptoms. If you get Dr/Dp, pins and needles, or weird pain that seems nerve-related with no other cause, it will help, also helps a bit with anxiety which could help your PTSD symptoms. I have that too and found in my case it helps a bit. Good luck

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Interesting, I've heard it's more like you take it for a while and then feel the effects..

If I did not have a pre existing mental health dissorder this would be hard but not the same.

I have heard just as much bad as good about it so I figure I can only try it for myself to truly know, I feel every other option has been exhausted.

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I called and asked my doc to put a script for gp in.. Despite literally every other doctor/friend in my life telling me otherwise but i feel like at the same time I'm the only one who knows how terrible it is and I can't keep coping like this because really there is no coping :(
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