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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I just recently posted to my old post.. but i guess i should start a new topic. I have really bad anxiety and panic. Well two years ago it got worse.. I was at Walmart shopping for my daughter's 1st birthday party and as i was leaving Walmart i felt like i was gonna faint. I'm terrified of the feeling every time i get it. IT controls my life. Any advice on this or how anyone overcame it? I went to A CBT therapist for over 2 years and well she just recently left. Tried many self - helps books, self- talk, anxiety programs, nothing seems to help. Anyways, I just recently found out i was pregnant. Well 2 years ago when the passing out feeling happened i started taking Ativan..and i have been on it ever since. I first started out at 3 mg and went down to 2mg and was on that for awhile.. then i cut back some more. Well i was taking .625 mg A 0.5 tab and a 1/4 pill. Well i have to get off this because i'm pregnant and this pill is hell and the withdrawls are serious. So i'm taking  a 0.5 tab.. just cutting the 1/4 back. I have been having nightmares about posessed and i'm terrified. I know i have to get off because i'm pregnant..but what can i do about the with drawls? I have to cut a 1/4 back every week. PLEASE SOME HELP!! THANKS!
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HollyKay, it's very important to work closely with your doctor if you're pregnant and tapering.  Many women have tapered successfully while pregnant but of course you're going to want to taper as slowly as you need to and not bring on any unnecessary symptoms.


I'd like to have you add a 'signature' (benzo history).  Go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.  That will help all of us to answer your posts more accurately without asking for more information.  Be sure to include that you are currently pregnant.


I'll check back and see if you need help with the signature.


Challis  :)

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If you could at least try it would help us help you  :thumbsup:. Even if it's not exact. Anything close is better than us not knowing anything of what you are or were taking.



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Ok i updated what i knew. I read a bunch of horror stories on here and now i'm terrified to cut back more or even get off this.. but i know i have to.
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Can you remember what dose you started on?? when your last few cuts were?? Are you at .5 now? Have you made any cuts from that? When? What med are you on? Something like this...


(Insert date or yr) started on ----mg of (med) for (reason)

Tapered to -------mg

(Today's date) currently on .....mg

Last cut was (date) of (amount)

(Months pregnant)


Regarding the horror stories. Stop reading them. Actually stop reading all that if it makes you anxious. I did. The thing is the people on here are a minority, most people have very little if no trouble coming off benzos. This is a site for people who are having a really hard time and still it isn't even a significant population of benzo users just a small community compared to how many people use and take and wd from them. So please don't let the difficulties of others cause you despair. You may have an easier time if it. Plus everyone handles this wd diff. Some can manage the syx better and others can't so that needs to be taken into consideration also. Everyone is diff and on their own journey. Let yours be yours.  :smitten:






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Thanks! I won't read them. I'm still early in my pregnancy .. i go sept 11 to find out how far along i am and when i'm due.
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i honestly can't even think of the cuts i made or the dates. I was on 0.625 for awhile almost a year. I cut back for a lot for low blood pressure because my Cardiologist thinks that is what was lowering my bp.
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When I decided to have my 2nd child I was able to taper off of 6 mgs ativan in 2 months your so low if I was you Id go to the ER and taper there asap. Better than the damage it will cause your baby.  You don't want a miscarriage and your going to have vivid dreams when your preggo anyways.  I know I did with both my pregnancys.  Its amazing the determination your mind and body have when your preggo.  Just my 2 cents. But pregnancy falls under special circumstances of rapid withdrawl/ct.  Hope that helps and best of luck to you! Congrats btw!
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There is no scientific evidence that benzodiazepine use or withdrawal harms your baby or yourself, though babies are watched for signs of withdrawal after birth if the mother is still tapering or using. 


Pregnancy is not a good time to do a rapid withdrawal or cold turkey.  As far as going to the ER to taper... I wouldn't.  I would be in touch with your doctor if anything comes up that concerns you in any way while you're tapering.


Challis  :thumbsup:

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Thanks everyone!! Yes i'm going under my doctor's supervision. I am at .5 mg and i'm suppose to cut back a 1/4 each week. This doesn't sound like a big cut does it? I think i'm just scared to actually be completely off and cut back. It's not just that. I have severe anxiety and panic. I get the passing out feeling and i freak out. It's horrible.
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Can someone help me. i'm not good with the fractions and all that. So if i'm taking .5 mg now and i cut back 1/4 how much would that be?
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If you cut that .5 mg tablet by 1/4th it is.


Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly.


But .125 + .125 + .125 + 125= .5


So if  you take away .125 from .5, it leaves you with .375.


.125 + .125 + .125 = .375



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I thought you had already taken it away. But if you take that 1/4 away now or soon or tomorrow or whenever you do it, you will be taking .375 mg A.

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That's a big cut in my opinion. I ll be doing .0625mg cuts when I get to .5mg. But I understand the need to come off sooner being pregnant and all. Hope it goes smooth  :smitten:



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The recommendation is 5-10% of your overall dose every 7-14 days. If you are on .5mg now then 1/4 of that amount/pill is .125mg. The highest end of 10% from .5mg is .05mg. Your cut of .125mg when you are only at .5mg is a 25% cut. As you can see cutting .0625 mg, as I said I would be doing at .5 mg, when I reach this dose, is also above the 10% mark but I dry cut and can only get 25mg pills to cut into 1/4. But the % is much closer to the recommendation. However as I go down in dose from this point the % increases even at .0625mg cuts bc the overall dose amt is also less. At this point I feel it's ok, or I hope it's ok. You may be ok cutting 25%.... I just wanted to give you the info  :smitten:



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What do you do? I don't know anything about being pregnant and on benzos or wding from them so I don't know. If your dr says you need to come off....I am not sure what to tell you  :-\



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