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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New member having severe withdrawal


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I was put on Ativan after having many panic attacks and not sleeping for 3 weeks straight after a severe concussion.  I have been taking ativan from May 1st to June 21.  Cutting from 3 mg a day to 0 over a 3 week period.  It was very hard.  I went through tremors and sleepless nights, severe shaking and blood sugar regulation issues.  Waking up in the middle of the night trembling with low blood sugar.  Blood pressure hit180/110.  Problems with regulating water, salt and urinary bladder problems.  I started feeling better around 7/22/14 with windows opening almost every day for hours at a time, but then had a major health scare.  I freaked out and reinstated my ativan to 1mg at night just to sleep.  I took it once a day at night for 5 days straight and stopped ct on 7/23/14.  I have been having non stop obsessive thoughts. Severe hot and cold flashes, skin feels tingling and burning.  At this point I am trying to think positive because I've been through so much including getting baker acted when I went to a Florida hospital when my bp was 186/110.  Apparently they thought something was mentally wrong with me instead if realizing I was going through severe withdrawal.  Basically my question is at this point do I reinstate on Valium or just ride out these terrible feelings praying for a window to open.  Thanks.
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Hello Ativanaddict, and welcome to BenzoBuddies!  I'm sorry you've gone through so much, but there are a few basic things to remember.  Reinstating benzos can lead to "kindling," in which the nervous system becomes highly sensitized to the drug and each successive withdrawal is more and more difficult. This is especially likely if one reinstates multiple times.  This is something to keep in mind.  And it's common for medical personal to downplay or not believe someone is going through withdrawal.  So reinstating, though possible, might backfire on you.


We're glad you've found us, and you'll find a lot of information and support here.  Our members are happy to share their withdrawal experiences with others---and although withdrawal symptoms can be severe, they are only temporary.  Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Post-Withdrawal Recovery Support


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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welcome  :) I totally agree with megan918. You need to just ride it out. Remember as awful as symptoms are they are only temporary. In my opinion you risk kindling. I think that might be why the second time is so rough. I did three cold turkeys because I did not know about kindling. My last withdrawal was from 8 mg of Ativan so I know your pain from the drug. Hopefully since your use was fairly short you withdrawal will be short. again, welcome. it is always nice to have a new member.
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  • 6 months later...

Hi Everyone,


Just an update.  I am still getting tingling in my left leg and my left foot, left hand.  When I smile I feel the left side of my face more sensitive.  My vision is still grainy and blury, especially at night.    My gut (the area you feel in your stomach  when you go into a drop on a roller coaster) constantly feels on edge and when I do breathing excercises to relax, I get spasms in my gut and my teeth start chattering.  Salty foods and caffeine make it worse.  Anytime I eat chinese food, I feel like I am going to die.  Most of my symptoms are on my left side.  I am nearing 6 months off ativan.  I reinstated 2 x before finally stopping in September 2014.  I am getting very depressed, I am wondering if i have permanent nerve or brain damage.  I am really really scared and feel like crying.  Can someone please give me advice.  Also I wanted to add the nerve pain feels like I have been working out my leg on like a leg press at the gym or I just finished a marathon.  You know when you go an relax and lie down and your legs ache.  Only this isn't going away and I constantly feel fatigued.



Thank you all.

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Welcome back!


Sounds like your in a rough patch.

Hang around for a while and chat us up.

The BB forum can be an excellent distraction.

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With your BP, your sensitivity to salt and chinese foods, sounds like you need to seriously reduce salt for one thing. I'd at least reduce salt and see if that helps some. If your salt levels are too high, your potassium levels are going to be too low in comparison as those need to be in the proper balance--try eating some bananas or high potassium foods as well.
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