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Better and now getting worse again Clonazepam


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A little help please. My last cut was approx. 10% and I suffered with bad nausea, headache and anxiety. I have been feeling good the last 3 days and was planning a 5% cut this Monday. About 2 hours ago I got slammed with the exact same symptoms. Is it possible for them to return? I thought maybe a flu bug but I doubt it. I will wait for my body to stabilize as long as I know that others have experienced the same...... Cut, feel lousy, stabilize and then get a return of symptoms before cutting again.

Thanks for your support.

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Hey there.


Yes, it's possible and even likely for symptoms to come and go.  This is not a linear process. And one cut may result in lots of bad symptoms, followed by an easy cut with almost no symptoms.


You may or may not stabilize, so don't wait too long.  There is no pain-free way to do this, unfortunately.


Good luck and keep your chin up.  Some day this will be over and you'll be well again. :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the support. I was also not sure if I have to wait another 2 weeks once these symptoms stop. But if you say I may not stabilize do I just go ahed and cut every 2 weeks. This is going to be hell and now I'm starting to panic a bit as I was doing so good helping my son with his bathroom reno's and out of no where, the clonazepam demon appears😞. I thought some people wait 3 or 4 weeks between cuts?  Just feeling scared and insecure right now.
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Symptoms will cont through out the taper and even when you jump off of course. I think if we wait to be symptom free before we cut...it really wont happen.


Some people do wait 3-4 weeks, some maybe even longer.


Thing is our gaba receptors will never heal at the rate of our cuts, not unless you hold for months and months.

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Hey there.


Yes, it's possible and even likely for symptoms to come and go.  This is not a linear process. And one cut may result in lots of bad symptoms, followed by an easy cut with almost no symptoms.


You may or may not stabilize, so don't wait too long.  There is no pain-free way to do this, unfortunately.


Good luck and keep your chin up.  Some day this will be over and you'll be well again. :thumbsup:


I personally feel she should hold for another week or two....

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If someone is functional...can work...do things etc...i think holding is always the best move...i agree with you BG


For me, I am in tolerance wd and have been for 14 months now. I am bedridden...cant work etc.


Im still holding 2 weeks each cut though.

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Also, I have been tapering with APO generic clonazepam. I grabbed my refill today and pharmacist gave me PMS generic brand. Said my insurance only covers it now but I have not started it yet. Hope it won't screw with my taper!!!
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