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Brain went on vacation yesterday


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I was concentrating a little heavily on something yesterday, and I felt the left side of my brain just 'fizzle out'. 


Since then I have been dealing with a new set of symptoms, which seems to have replaced the old ones.  I haven't had much cognitive trouble in the last 3 months of withdrawal, besides nasty anxiety and sometimes getting pushed down a really heavy path of anxious thoughts.  Yesterday after that, my sensitivity to sound must have quadrupled, and I keep getting feelings like I forgot something and need to bring it up to the top of my mind, even when apparently there was nothing.  I seem to also be getting 'dyslexia of the mouth' and trouble thinking.  What happened - did I short out the nerves involved in concentration or something? 


Someone tell me this is a normal klonopin w/d symptom.  :idiot:  Very new and not fun!

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as if "normal" can be used to described any of this nonsense, but yes i went through little bouts of what you are describing. One day my higher cognitive functions "stepped out" for a few hours. it felt like being stoned, but with none of the fun. It will all come back. i found the key was not to focus on it(its hard, i know). try doing something "stupid" for awhile. Watch a dumb movie, play a video game that requires little thought etc..just ride it out, its a symptom like all the rest :crazy:

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