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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Starting therapy


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I have been quite anxious since I jumped last December. That has been new to me, it is not my original problem. I was on these meds because of somatic problems. I always thought that they're psychosomatic, but still I wasn't anxious or depressed.


Anyway, it's a huge relief when the anxiousness disappears or lessens as it sometimes does. On monday I went to see a therapist, just to see if he's the right one or not. I think he is the right one. That night I slept very well and had some burden taken away from me at least for a while.


What kind of experiences you have if you have started therapy during your withdrawal?


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I'm a big proponent of therapists (much less so for psychiatrists).  I've been seeing one since I jumped off Ativan back in January, and I believe it's been very helpful for me.  A good fit is important, and it seems like you've found one.  I wish I'd gone the therapy route instead of the pill route 6 years ago.
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A good therapist is wonderful during this recovery process. I was unable to go and sit for an hour for an appointment the first 9 months or so and feel it would have been a wasted effort due to thick derealization. After that first 9 months I went once a week and the coping techniques were very helpful. It made dealing with the symptoms less scary and was nice to have someone to vent with in person. Would recommend shopping around, finding a good one and then going when physically and mentally able.
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I found a wonderful therapist a month into withdrawal.  In the beginning I saw her every week. Now I go once every six weeks ago. She also is a professor at the university and teaches addiction medicine. I will be used at a case study.
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