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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Low doses: what was your next step?


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Hi all,


I am at a low dose in my taper. I am only on 0.02mg alprazolam, down from 0.25mg from a water titration over the past 21 months. I have moved slowly because of sensitivity and functionality.


The past few months have been tough. I am considering "jumping" and/or rapidly tapering off the remainder. Hesitation lies in my concerns of "acute" withdrawal, and/or creating long-term upset. I was seeking out those who were sensitive and have already jumped; what was your experiences? And, and regrets and/or thoughts as to what to do?


Thanks in advance for your input. It is greatly appreciated :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hi Mrsalw and BBs,

I wish I could help you, but I was going to ask the same question today. I have been at 1 mg Valium for the last two weeks and I have been struggling a lot. During these past two weeks I have had two days of a very low level symptoms, five days of  a low to medium level symptoms, three days of a medium level symptoms, three days of a high level symptoms and two days of a very high level symptoms( only two low and two high level symptoms are consecutive).

My plan for now is to stay at 1 mgV for two more weeks and then regardless of how I feel to go down to 0.5 mg V  for about 2-3 -4 weeks ( depending on how I feel), and then jump. My other plan was to cut 0.25 mgV every two weeks, but it seems that I will have the symptoms at this dose anyway, and what's more I have to taper much longer.I am afraid that no matter how long I will stay at these doses, the symptoms will persist anyway.

I may not be right about my plans and that's why I wanted to ask for some suggestions from the other buddies.

Thank you for your time and help!


AT :)

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