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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I ask you to read this and PLEASE tell me if this is withdrawal or am I suffering from something else.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and support.


What I am experiencing:

- Cloudiness, brain fog, hazy when I look at anything, causes me to squint

- No peace or awe about what I see when I look out at the sea, I see the ocean and blue sky but fail to feel or connect with its beauty or its rhythm

- My mind freezes when I am sitting still

- I am always on high alert – constant over-stimulated

- Tingling in my mind behind the throat to the center of my head

- Feelings of a vice grip, intense pressure around the inside of my brain, especially when I feel challenged

- I have paranoia and fear

- I easily become over excited

- I have difficulty putting a thought together or getting words out in the proper order

- I do not know what to do next – I have difficulty organizing a plan

- I am not motivated to do anything – accomplishing anything causes too much stress for me cope with

- I am constantly analyzing everything

- My brain agues with itself – never calm

- I am constantly challenged to be able to listen and stay focused in an ongoing conversation

- I am always returning to my past and attempt to remember where I may have gone astray and who I was and how I felt

- I never feel safe

- I doubt every action I do and every word I say

- I have an inability to perceive others and miss read what they say to me

- A look from someone can be perceived by me as ‘they do not like me’ or ‘did I say something wrong’ and if I did, they ‘will not want to be a friend’

- I am always uncomfortable with social situations – I feel as if I am constantly be judged

- I see people and instantly judge them for what they say, how they look or how they are acting

- I have racing thoughts that are always fragmented never coherent

- I finish other’s sentences in my mind

- I fear the very worst – no positive outlook

- The future for me is bleak and dark/ominous

- I have difficulty absorbing any information and reading the printed word is almost impossible to comprehend

- I feel as if I am missing out on my life

- I fear I will be in this state permanently and may never recover

- I have sudden bouts of anger

- I am always anxious about the present and the future

- I am always frustrated

- I second guess myself on any decision that I need to make

- I am unable to sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time and never feel rested because I cannot achieve a deep sleep

- I have no sense of a spiritual connection

- I have no desire to communicate with my friends for fear of what they will think of me

- I have distorted/strange thoughts that I cannot control

- I feel doomed – in a deep depression

- I only see a bleak tomorrow

- I feel alone all the time


I appreciate your reading this and hope I can with your help get through this.


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I could have written the same thing (about myself).  Clearly, your brain isn't disabled for you to have been able to generate that list.  So unless you and I (and probably most of the people in this forum) all share some terrible disease, I think we have to attribute it to the dreaded withdrawal (or we could blame Obama).  In my case it is improving.


My boss came in this morning and wanted a whole bunch of data from me for various projects - some old, some new), and to do a photo 'journal' of a procedure we're publishing.  I was able to collect the required data, set up and photo me doing the protocol and send it off to her.  I even got it out pretty rapidly.  I felt like I had to really really try to do it, but I could do it.  Four months ago, I don't think it would have gone as well.  Might have taken 2-3 times as long and probably would have made mistakes/omissions.  So I believe that I'm slowly getting away from the fog.  You will too.

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I am sorry that you are feeling so crummy. You certainly seem to be besieged with a multiple of symptoms. Everything that you describe are all classic withdrawal symptoms. The good thing is that as unpleasant as they are they are only temporary. I encourage you to keep your list and cross off the symptoms as they go away. This way you can see how far you have come each month.
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