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Do GI sxs get better?


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I've reached the 13 months mark and never had GI problems until now....I'm always on the verge of vomiting, nausea everyday and everything I eat makes it worse. I would like to ask how many of you have had this kind of problems, which have they been and if they got better and how. I  think it may be related with a growth of candida in the gut due to my lack of defenses(inmunosupresion??). What do you think? Should I stop googling my sxs?? :P

thanks in advance

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Hi there,


I've had stomach problems throughout my taper and I'm still having trouble sometimes now at 15 months benzo free but I have IBS so I suppose my stomach is very sensitive.There are loads of gaba receptors in the stomach so this is probably the reason we have problems there. I dont think my symptoms are as bad as yours, I do feel nauseous at times but I dont feel like I'm going to vomit. I can eat most things also but certain foods do trigger the stomach trouble so I avoid those. I honestly dont know why you haven't had any stomach problems until now, hopefully somebody else with a similar story will chip in.


Have you seen the Stomach healing place thread, you might get some answers there :





I hope this helps,



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