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got a question about tegretol, please respond!


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Hello,I took tegretol for 22 years, I just finished tapering over 9 months, now that I am off, I ca, t sleep hardly at all, my anxiety has increased and I feel scared alot, depressed, not to mention that I am also suffering protracted we from long term use of klonopin, also I am going into menopause and have been 6 months without a period, since I came off klonopin, so fast by my doctor who withdrew me against my will back in 2008. I feel terrible, very dizzy and can hardly walk, I also been getting awful anxiety and panic and I feel afraid, like I am dying, now that I am off tegretol, I feel like I am all over the place, and I cannot get tired, I feel so awake, I am ready to lose it! All I have left now, is the remeron. Please help me with some advice, I had 2 topics on this issue and never got any responses, I thought people on here were supposed to help and support people? Angel :'(
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