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Numb at the bottom of my left foot


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Since yesterday I have had a numb patch on the bottom of my left foot. I do have numbness around my face but is is a new one. Anyone else?


It sometimes goes up into my leg.


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both of you are lucky. i have full neuroapthy for many years because of this shit. your's  has a chance of going away as you heal. i hope mine does too but may take way more time. :'(
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Legs feet hands and face for me.

Sorry PD...i know that just has to suck big time. :'(


i don't wish to scare anyone. but i have a really long tolerance wd history. and i've had the horrid foot neuroapthy since 2002. :'(

i get really discouraged that it will never go away. i hope it does...


there are a lot of others who have the feet numbneses. i guess it's part of this benzo deal, it must be. i wonder why and how it affects the feet? as long as all the receptor's heal, the symptom should go away.

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