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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is This Program Legit or Not?


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I haven't yet seen one of these places that offers adequate services for benzo withdrawal.  Unlike many other withdrawals, benzo withdrawal can take quite some time, and slower tapers seem to be preferred (at least in this forum).  I'd ask a LOT of question to these people specifically about their approach to benzos.
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I checked out their web page and it is nothing more than general. It doesn't tell you if they do a C/T, rapid detox or a gradual taper. It doesn't separate classes of drugs. Just bundles them together, which tells me they know little about benzos. A "one size fits all" operation. It also doesn't tell you how long the program is. But I have to question their knowledge b/c the web page says we can help you get off over the counter meds like Ambien or Lunseta. Those are not OTC meds and they should know better, but obviously they do not. I wouldn't trust them. I think they are a money making machine. You notice how they don't name prices? That's prolly b/c if they list very high prices, you would fall off your chair. Bets
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Hello, how can we help you? This chat is confidential.

Me: Hello, how would your program aid a patient in eliminating 2mg Klonopin prescribed by a doctor?

Just a moment...



Me: Right. yes what?

Amber: Why is is that you continue to Chat me Sir?

I have asked you to call the land line.

Me: Pardon?

Amber: Yes... I have a record of how many times you have attempted to speak to me today.

Me: What's so wrong about wanting to seek information? If you do have a record, I'm not a sir by the way.

Just the fact you're typing that I need to call your land line questions your programs credibility.

Amber: At our facility we can help you detox from any medication that you are struggling with... However I have asked you to call. This chast is for basic questions only.

If that is how you feel.

Me: I asked quite a basic question.

Thank you for contacting us.

Chat session disconnected.

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Maybe we should all call them and ask about their benzo withdrawal program?!?


That would sort of make my night less miserable. Do it!  >:D

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Hello, how can we help you? This chat is confidential.

Me: Hello, how would your program aid a patient in eliminating 2mg Klonopin prescribed by a doctor?

Just a moment...



Me: Right. yes what?

Amber: Why is is that you continue to Chat me Sir?

I have asked you to call the land line.

Me: Pardon?

Amber: Yes... I have a record of how many times you have attempted to speak to me today.

Me: What's so wrong about wanting to seek information? If you do have a record, I'm not a sir by the way.

Just the fact you're typing that I need to call your land line questions your programs credibility.

Amber: At our facility we can help you detox from any medication that you are struggling with... However I have asked you to call. This chast is for basic questions only.

If that is how you feel.

Me: I asked quite a basic question.

Thank you for contacting us.

Chat session disconnected.


Ha! I knew it, Sir! Bets

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To think these jerks are making quite a lucrative profit off the backs of patients struggling with benzos makes me think we should all bombard them with messages. All they would probably do is treat us like the opiate/ alcohol patients, they wouldn't know a thing about proper tapering, whether or not they make claims to be familiar with the AM.
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