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Exercise intolerance


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This is more of a rant and to see how others cope with exercise intolerance. I have wicked fatigue on a daily basis (it comes and goes throughout the day). I do light exercise (like walking my dog or lifting hand weights) but that's about it. If I exercise any harder than that I start to feel pretty awful. My muscles burn and I feel fatigued. I just feel unwell in general. I've had a full cardiac exam done (several EKGs, echocardiogram, 21 day heart monitor) and all of the results have come back normal. So I just attribute it to my currently dysfunctional nervous system . :(
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Well, I'm in the same boat.  I drag myself outside twice a day to walk around my apt. building for 15 mins. and then I stagger in and collapse.  I feel as if I am going to die.  And prior to benzos, I was an amateur athlete.....ran half marathons and trained big horses.  Now it's iffy if I can make it to the bathroom.


I have NEVER felt so ******* SICK in my entire life!  And it is getting old.  If anybody can say when they started getting some strength back, I'd love to hear about it.



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I too worked out 5xweek with a trainer prior to this mess and now I can hardly take a shower without getting lightheaded. I try to do light wts and yoga at home if I can. But I have to also wonder if my being bedridden at the beginning of this, and now still log considerable couch time, plays a part in the weakness.


Kinda a vicious circle....too weak to do anything, doing nothing causes more weakness  :crazy:



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I find that I have to start out very slow and it takes me much longer to warm up than in the past.  I am a swimmer and it can take me 40 laps of my 66 (mile) in which I just plod through slowly and finally it's like my brain kicks in and i can do the last 20 or so much stronger.  It may be that you have to go for longer and eventually your body will kick in and you can do an interval or two with more speed.
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Exercise intolerance is making me yearn to be able to run again! I stopped running a few weeks ago, and I'm only able to do gentle yoga and walk my dog (or take her to the dog park so she can run).


I'm really hoping to get back to running. I miss the endorphin rush, too.


My balance is much better when doing yoga, so I have hope for us all.  ;)

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I bought a Leslie Sansone walking video on Amazon.  It is nothing more than marching in place really, with a few variations.  When I can't manage much else, I pop in the DVD and go as slow or fast as I want.  Its a 15 minute easy "walk" and doing it nightly for a while allowed me to up my exercise routine after time passed.


Some days though, all I do is that DVD and I feel much better afterwards.  Tired, but hell....I moved for a bit!



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Any type of physical activity starts me trembling. My hands shake very badly.


However, this last weekend, I had to help my wife clean house. There was no choice. We were expecting company and the house was a mess.


After about an hour of activity, I was shaking badly. I rested for about 15 minutes and went back at it. I noticed that if I rested 15 minutes of every hour, the shakes disappeared and I was able to clean.


Now house cleaning is not terribly physical activity, but it was a major step as far as I'm concerned.

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I've read a lot about "pacing" in chronic fatigue syndrome articles and its helped me a lot. When I start to feel tired I stop and rest for a bit then I'm able to pick up where I left off.
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