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Hormone issues???


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I'm having a lot of serious hormonal problems through my taper and w/d and want to try and gather as much of an idea as possible as to how many other people have had issues.


It would take too long to go into detail but in short I have had severe skin, menstrual, and hair issues that all indicated my hormones were doing something reeeally messed up. I'm only in my early 20's, and never taken hormonal contraception.


The only thing I ever had tested was cortisol before I'd even started tapering and it showed as high. They said other hormone tests were too 'complicated' or nuanced to give any helpful information but I think that's bs. My questions are:


- Has anyone had hormone problems because of benzos/only during benzo use or withdrawal?

- Has anyone had hormone blood tests or saliva tests done? What were the results?

- Most importantly does it resolve on its own naturally (my body is clearly trying desperately to balance out now) or have people needed to take HRT? How long will it take if I leave it to sort itself out? Would taking hormones only complicate the problem?


Please keep in mind menopause stuff obviously doesn't apply to me.Any help would be soooo much appreciated :(

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If you go to the support group section there are two groups dedicated to hormonal  issues. I am 32 never had a missed period in my life unless I was pregnant but during my taper I missed a few periods. After I jumped I missed a period. I had terrible acne on my face for months too.
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Glad to see you posting.


How did your heart monitor go? I ask because I've had some tachycardia, and would like to know what you've done to help resolve yours.


Thanks girl; hope you're feeling better :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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the only support group I could find was focussed mainly on menopause and like I say that's not very helpful for me :(


Are there any other BB's in their 20's or 30's who are having hormonal issues?

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i had hormonal issues the last months i was on these pills. I was 35 when i got off these. i was having hot flashes. acne on my chin. if its on your chin it means your hormonal. they were huge under the skin. it was painful. lol i thought i was going into early menopause. uhhg. I'm not. since i have been off the pills all that went away. of course when i was going through the first part of my cold turkey i sweat a lot but it ended and haven't had a hot flash since and my chin cleared up. thank god. i wouldn't  be surprised if I'm still suffering from hormonal changes due to the fact my chemistry is off. maybe thats where the depression comes from. hormones control everything.  i hope someone has more to say about this subject. it is interesting. its gonna take a sec to gt back to normal. i even got off my birth control cuz i thought it was messing up my hormones more. pills mess everything up. i don't even want to take aspirin anymore. I'm done with everything that is not natural going into my body. this experience has been an eye opener for sure. hang in there and it should clear up on its own.
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Aurora, I am 35 years old and I have had hormone issues that I believe are related to w/d. I did a fast taper so I mainly began noticing issues after tapering. I began having terrible acne on my chin and upper neck, irregular cycles (where I had always had very regular cycles), hot flashes and a cyst in my breast. I never had any of these issues prior to my benzo w/d. I'm in my 10th month off now and have started to see some improvement with regards to these issues. My acne went away a couple months ago and the hot flashes had subsided (until just recently, but I think it might be anxiety related). My cycles have have also started to become more regular in the last couple months. I never had any hormonal testing as I believed it was related to w/d and decided that I would wait to see if it resolved with time. Hope this helps.
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Hi Aurora - there is also a 'menstrual support' group. We are all experiencing major hormonal issues. I am on my third period in 6 weeks. And I had the saliva test for cortisol and hormones. I had very elevated levels of some things and very low levels of estrodiol and a low estrogen quotient. But I am not comfortable treating with HRT until w/d is completely over - I plan on giving it a year before getting tested again. I would say give it more time. There is literally no part of you that isn't affected by w/d but the symptoms will resolve with time.


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I had. Every hormone test while on benzos and they were all low low😱since ending the benzos my periods are normal as far as in between but still kinda heavy. I feel for me it's all wd related I'm 35. Benzos messed me up bad hormone wise.



My cortisol on benzos was normal as were my adrenals, I take synthroid i had  thyroid cancer!

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thanks so much for all the responses and the link to the group, I really appreciate it. Even knowing that you guys have had issues has been really comforting. I just hate the fact that it's going to take soooo long to sort itself out.
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just keep your head up and hang in there. it may be a long process. its worth it. I'm 8 months out and my windows are even getting  better. I'm stating to see healing.....you can do this.!!!
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