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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I had a horrible nightmare that the world is unsafe, that people are unsafe, and that I can't protect myself. It struck me to my core.

I just want to hide from everything and everyone. I am terrified.

From the police to mental hospitals to cults to violence, it was all there, and I felt unprotected.

I am so scared.

I can't handle that my family won't protect me, never did, and that I don't know how to protect myself except to hide.

This is not just benzos- this is my terror that I have felt my whole life.

Please, someone say something that makes sense, that makes it OK....

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It's ok.  Nothing is trying to harm you.  You are safe.  Everything is ok.  Just know that you are ok. 

Repeat it to yourself that you are safe and you are ok.




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  • 2 months later...
I had 1 week of horrific gruesome nightmares that ended up with me having seizures or dying in them. Every time I woke up from one I was in another. They were so vivid I was having difficulty differentiating reality from dreamstate. One of the most fucked up experiences I've had so far.
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