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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

somethings wrong


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o mg somethings not right, feel like am gonna die, shaking, heart pounding got to be the meds not withdrawal, feel worse everyday since I started them please help
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Ok first breath. Your cortisol can get messed up during tapering and actually cause your heart to race after taking med.


First I haven't looked at your profile yet but if your crossing over from one benzo to the other...make sure you're not doing it to fast. I had to gradually taper over. Yes it takes longer but you feel better. Second if you're already cutting...make sure you're not cutting to much.


I found a heating pad placed on my chest or right above my kidneys where your adrenalin glands are can help with adrenalin rushes. Also, some people would be against it but when I was having a rapid heart beat and anxiety....I used beta blockers until I got stable. They really helped me.


Hang in there and step back and look to see what could be causing it. Sometimes it can be something that just needs adjusting.  :smitten:

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Ok I see where you are still on klonopin. Just hold on. Another doc tried to put me on klonopin after I c/t off xanax and it made me depressed. Could not take it. Once you get completely over to the valium and stabilize...I believe you will feel better. Your system is all out of whack because of the c/t then changing benzos.


I just said a prayer for you.

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Hi chicky I did a direct cross from Ativan after 4 years to v. Stopped Ativan 1 day and onto v the next.


I experienced everything you describe and it kept getting worse for a bit.

I even went to the hospital to make sure the heart rate was nothing serious.


Eventually though I started to adjust and things are better now.

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