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need help with tapering


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Hi all! Im trying to find a effective taper method to get off clozenpam .5 mg/day. Ive been taking them for about two mos. Im just coming off norco so im taking an occasional .25 of xanax but I already know that beast so im very very careful with my usage.  Its just helping with Norco wd (taper)  im still taking my prescribed dose of clonazepam. in a few days when norco wd are subsiding im tossing the xanax, next i want to taper off clozenpam.  Help plz. Im so tired being addicted!  I have GAD but ive learned how to manage or at least I think I have. 
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Thanks ill.check it out.  Im just unsure about the proper way to do it.  Does the fact that ive used just 2 mos make any difference? Anyone ;) ?
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well, i'm guessing you dose 2 times a day. that would be .25 mgs. per dose. so if you go about it conservatively reducing by 5%, your first cut will bring you to .475 mgs. per day....so, each of your 2 daily doses would be .237 mgs......
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then you would take .475 mgs. in the morning. 5% of .5 is .475.....i believe if you would like a detailed taper plan designed specifically for you, one of the administrators will help you with one....
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