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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Can long term benzo use cause emotional blunting?


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I know they can cause depression but can they also cause depersonalization or a loss of interests, self and soul?


Can they make you feel basically detached from life and dead?


This is before you start tapering.


Where would I find info on this?

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Hey guys thanks for the responses and groove I am gonna take a look at your links.


I know wd can create these feelings but can taking the benzos before ever tapering lasso cause these issues?

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Yes Ruby...they can. Especially if you were in tolerance wd and didnt know it. Even with out it...they cause blunting of emotions while using.
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Ruby, yes. 100%. Like above, anhedonia. I didn't notice it the first time, but last year I noticed it within a month of being on them again for sleep.
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How sad is that guys.


When I started Ativan 4 years ago it was like my 3rd time on it. I think I hit tolerance very quickly.


Even Ashton says it can occur within 2 weeks on a faster acting benzo and then where does that leave us.


Sad and suffering, losing life and love and joy.


How could this crap be legal.


I never should have ever gone back on it again for the 4th time 4 years ago.

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I looked at that psych med aware article groove, that is a good article.


And I really wonder if after coming off three other times that this fourth time I almost immediately hit tolerance.


I have never been the same since I started it again.


And apart boat you are so lucky to be getting those feelings back.

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No looking back Ruby...it does no good. I know its hard, im the worst offender its all i do is live in the past. Im sure we all do, we just long for better days. God i used to be so happy... i hate depression....its so hard to live with day in and day out.


Everything i see, wverything i do just reminds of when i saw that and was happy, or did that and was happy.

I wish they could CURE depression.


Yes Im sure the 4th time is MUCH MUCH harder...kindling and all the sxs possibly worse.

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Ruby, I'm on the 3rd time, and was just updosed. Don't know if I'll ever get off. But somehow the blunting went away finally. Just a tad bit of w/d left maybe, which when it's just a tad, can be a bit uplifting I find. Until you cross that threshold into complete hysteria, which seems to take about one cut and 5 minutes for me.
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Emotional blunting used to be my middle name. Now, I have a different middle name. It's called healing and a return of my emotions. Bets
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Its all i do...CONSTANTLY. Im so scared this depression will never get better. I cant function in life, i cant do the simplest things.

My depression a year and a half ago was never like this is. The last year and half it just tripled. I HATE being lethargic and unable to take care of myself.

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Oh gosh I know groove, I have some better days but today was a bad one. 7 days into my first v cut so I guess this is causing it.


And Anton you are lucky it is gone, do you think it is better because of the up dose?


Also bets do you still have the emotional blunting?

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I used to be such a vibrant and happy person.


I miss my self so much.


And bets do you still experience the emotional blunting but now try to look at it as healing.


I know I have to feel some sx to heal today has just been a bad day and I guess I'm in a bit of a pity party.



Just miss the happy emotions that make us human and who we are.

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Ruby uve been so much better the last 2 days we have spoken...is today feeling different? Its just a bad day if so and i think youre still on a good track.
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Ya groove today has been a bit worse, more depressed but the emotional blunting is something I have dealt with from almost the time I started Ativan again


It was insidious thought and crept in more and more over the years of being on this crap.


But yes, today is day 7 of my first v cut and I think it is just really bringing me down.


This goes on so so long and I just want my life back.


Now that I am not so out of it the reality of the last 4 years is getting to me.

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I looked at that psych med aware article groove, that is a good article.


And I really wonder if after coming off three other times that this fourth time I almost immediately hit tolerance.

I have never been the same since I started it again.


And apart boat you are so lucky to be getting those feelings back.


See bold part ....

I think that's very possible. The more times people get on an off benzo's, the harder it seems to develop tolerance quicker...

It could be you're kindling,maybe ?


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I think you are right mom.


I was never benzo wise the three previous times that I took Ativan and ctd it. Then the 4th time I was put on it I think it almost immediately started causing me negative effects.


I think I have been in tolerance ( and worsening with each passing year) and it has caused so much pain over the last 4 years.


And you are right, now I think I am kindled.

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I have had these feelings for months and haven't dropped well tech dropped 3 times but had to reinstate from 95 to 100 today. I feel more than I did at 150 on 150 I felt nothing now I feel everything sometimes too much, sadness fear,anxiety, guilt. The list goes on......
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Can you guys explain what your emotional blunting feels like.


Toe everything just looks and feels flat, colour less, dull, blurry and I never just feel fully awake or alive. All senses are dulled.


I don't know if this is also dr because I feel in reality but things just don't emotionally feel the same they used to and it is as if my brain and all senses are half asleep or dulled down .


Colours don't even look as vibrant.


Does anyone else on benzos just feel like the senses and brain are half asleep making life feel dull.


I also can't emotionally relate to anything.


I feel in reality but as if I am dulled out and only half alive.

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Yes, I feel the same way but getting a bit more connected feeling as I go lower.


I remmember a day when my son fell and had to have stitches. I knew in my head I had to care, but in my heart I felt NOTHING. I hated it so much! Felt guilty about it.

Which is always weird to me. When I say " I feel nothing" but then just feeling the negative feelings.

So, I do feel something. Just nothing much good.


Also, music or somebody saying something nice did nothing for me. I simply didn't care.

Now, that's back on some days. It really does get better!


I take this less vibrant feeling over being too sensitive to them, like in acute on Ativan, any day to being too sensitive.

Had to wear sunglasses and noise canceling headphones all day. Any sound would set me off. For hours...


It's very lonely to not feel emotionally connected to anything,isn't it? And at the same time I didn't even care about that either some times...


Hang in there Ruby... It does get better...



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