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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I NEED HELP!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I went to my therapist today and we had a conversation. I could not understand what she said at all. I could not comprehend anything. As hard as I could nothing made sense nothing registered. The harder I tried the worse it got. Then I started to get paranoid and felt like they didn't like me or they were against me. Does anyone understand can anyone explain what this is? I felt like maybe I should go to a looney bin. it was very scary and very surreal.

What I'm getting at is not so much the thinking as it is I was unable to comprehend what she was saying. I just couldn't understand. Am I making sense? 

it's like I would listen to the conversation and nothing registered it had nothing to do with thoughts it's as though my brain wasn't working.


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I had one session with my therapist where I just sat and nodded and understood almost nothing.  It happens.  Consider recording your sessions if it becomes a problem. 
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Hi Dolphins,


Sorry for what you are going through but this can happen. It's an extreme example of cognitive impairment caused by the w/d. I had the same thing but it began right after taking one dose of Valium (after being reinstated) 12 weeks post c/t of K. I had made arrangements to volunteer at the library. This was before I knew what was going on. I went there after taking only 2.5 mg of V and while there, I did not recognize the alphabet and was convinced I was brain damaged. When the manager was telling me what I was supposed to do, I could see she was talking to me but I did not understand one word of what she was saying. I heard myself thinking, "I used to be in charge of a lab and now I don't understand anything she is saying to me". I forced myself to stay the 2 hours and came home and phoned my mom and told her that something was REALLY wrong with me.


I have been where you are right now. It won't last forever but it's going to take some time. Intellectually and cognitively I am better than I have been in decades. This will be your story some day too.


Take good care, mandala

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i was at the grocery store some days ago and talking to the guy who orders perishable and he's telling me where he gets his coconut waters and they are from two different distributors and i really really tried to listen very carefully so i could chime in -- in an intelligent way. i literally couldn't understand one word he said. the harder i listened -- the more i couldn't understand one word. :idiot:


it's like, what the hell happens to our brains? it gets on overload is what happens. and i am 2 years out. that's a scary prospect. but it doesn't happen all the time thank God! but it sure does happen frequently. even if i am truly interested in the subject.


i had to watch the movie American Hustle over 3 times to really understand it. the first time i couldn't get it at all but i do have a habit of only watching the actor's and make sure they are into their character. which is also probably a benzo withdrawal symptom. so with movies like that i have to watch it more than 3 times to really understand.


it's the brain feeling overloaded. it will change.

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I need to have the cable guy come by this Wednesday and I'm such a mess.  I don't know how I'm going to deal with this.  I fall apart just talking to a friend of mine who brings groceries over. 
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I get this often.  Usually when people start talking to me.  I kind of want to vanish.  I feel my brain is trying hard to rewire.  Is feel safe in my own home.  I crave the peace and quiet here.  You are ahead of me.  You are working.  I took a un unpaid sick leave and then quit my job

You sound better then a week ago.  The fact that you work and can be out in public is a big step.  I also nod at people as they talk.  Hang in there. 



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Thank you all for sharing. Even though I hear it a thousand times, I still can't believe it is the benzos. I just want it to stop. Becksblue......I now it may be hard, yet work yourself up to make the call when you have nothing to do and no time constraints.....
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Yes, it IS benzos!  This type of thing can happen, it's a mixture of cognitive impairment and extreme anxiety or panic (the fight-or-flight response) which often causes the mind to "go blank."  You probably also have performance anxiety, which can also literally cause the mind to blank out.  When I was in acute withdrawal I was operating on the most basic level, literally couldn't understand simple written instructions, and so forth.  Counseling would have been ineffective for me then, and if it's too stressful for you you might consider putting it off for awhile....



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I actually find this symptom funny. Sometimes people talk to me and I have NO IDEA what they are saying. It has cheered me up and made me laugh many times. Hahaha funny how it bothers you and humours me.
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Yes, therapy would have been pointless for me - too intellectually impaired to digest much of what's said and no ability to achieve personal insight. I have a job that requires me to make a lot of phone-calls and be upbeat. That's been challenging, to say the least. 'Cog fog' is a part of this journey for many, so take heart.
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I agree benzo all the way!!! 


It's like a brain injury but the good news is that we can fix it with time and nourishment from eating healthy and thinking healthy and just relaxing knowing that this is totally normal and it will go away at some point.

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One option that you have with a therapist is to tell him/her that you're having difficulty understanding things today (and that s/he should please slow down).
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I went to see a therapist early off and she said therapy wouldn't be a good idea since I was so sensitive then.  She knew about these poisons.  I'm so over-the-top traumatized by what's happened to me, I don't think therapy could ever help me again.
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