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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

.75mg Klonopin 1x daily


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    I've been taking .75mg Klonopin 1x daily for 12 weeks. What kind of withdrawals should I expect from tapering off this amount? My assumption was that this was a minuscule dose that could be tapered fairly quickly with little to no negative effects. Am I wrong? My doc tells me this is a very small dose.


The thing that scared me was these Internet/Youtube horror stories in regards to benzos. I've seen NUMEROUS accounts of people saying they've suffered life-changing withdrawal symptoms for lengthy periods of time from merely taking .5mg - 1mg daily. It's mind mind-boggling that a small dosage can cause these horrific symptoms. The people that went CT obviously had the worst symptoms, but I've talked to folks that struggled with a slow taper from only 1mg daily. 


I understand people respond differently to withdrawal... but what can the average person expect from using .75mg Klonopin daily?



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Hi Cain34,


Hmm...  well, you're posting this on a forum of people who have struggled mightily at much smaller doses than that, so keep that in mind as you read replies.  Generally if someone didn't struggle to get off of their benzo, they don't find their way here.


I took .75 mg of Xanax (same potency of Klonopin, much shorter half-life) for 5 weeks and have spent 22 months tapering off of it (with a five-month break in there).  My central nervous system is extraordinarily sensitive.  Yours may not be. The only way to know is to try to gradually stop.  I wouldn't just abruptly STOP taking it, if I were you.  You should gradually decrease your dosage, even if it's cutting as much as a quarter of your dose and seeing how you feel after a couple days.  You'll know pretty quickly if you can't tolerate it.


.75 mg of Klonopin might seem like a tiny dose (I thought it was), but that's actually the same as 15 mg of Valium (a much lower potency benzo - 20 times less powerful per mg), which is not insignificant when you consider that you can get Valium in 2 mg pills.  These newer benzos are VERY potent in comparison to Valium, and therefore more likely to create dependencies in people who have sensitive nervous systems. 


I don't want to scare you - and I don't think the people on this forum are your "average person."  I think we're among the significant minority (perhaps 15 - 30%) of people who undergo physiological adaptations from benzos and then suffer through the reversal of those changes.


So, best of luck to you.  I hope you're not like us, but, if you are, you're welcome back, and we'll help you if you need it.


Anyone else want to chime in?

Take care,


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Yes .75 is not a small dose really. Klonopin is a powerful drug. Hopefully the 12 weeks usage will work in your favor.

Taper is advised though. Good luck, we are here for you.

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Is your plan to taper Cain ?


I'm gonna try a large taper initially to see how badly it affects me... gonna go from .75mg to .25mg immediately. If I have no negative affects from that taper, I'll know I'm not physically addicted yet. If I do have negative affects, I'll have to try a much slower taper.



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