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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Getting nervous


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Hey guys

I began my taper off Klonopin when I returned to college because I could not function.  Last year due to my taper I was able to take my classes online at home. Well, starting next week Aug 26 I have to be back on campus, commute over an hour to get there and take LSTAT prep classes for law school. I'm not sure how I will handle all this on top of my home duties (3 kids and husband)

It all seemed like such a good idea when my brain was functioning properly. Now, I'm in shock and denial about starting classes next week. This will be the first time I do something like this unmedicated...

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A mother of three and wife to boot…and going to college while tapering.  You're one tough cookie!  I would take every housework/cooking/childcare shortcut I could if I were you.

Challis  :thumbsup:

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I'm starting to think I have to put all of this off. I can't imagine starting classes next week, I haven't been in many public situations off benzos .(
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You did a VERY aggressive rapid taper, wow. I just want to say I admire you for being so functional with everything that on your plate.


If you are tolerating the wd well and worried pretty much about being in public non medicated. Dont worry about that...look at what you have done to get off the drug. That is a super achievement. If you can do that, you can do anything.


Go get em.

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Thank you, it's been hell and at times I do think I have lost my mind. My worst symptom is unrelenting health anxiety that actually gives me physical symptoms.  I jumped when I did because I knew I had all of this coming up, I had to get the show on road.
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