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Some positive info from my pharmacist


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Some reassurance from my pharmacist.....I asked him today about w/d s/x. I asked about many I have and many I do not have, but see posted here.


He told me that all of us that suffer w/d are sensitive to medicines. It does not matter if you have taken these meds for 3 days or 20 yrs. we are the group that are sensitive....period. He said he has seen people taper for 2 years and still have s/x. He has seen people go off after 20 yrs. and not suffer at all.


I asked him if we would be s/x free at some point, his response was, ABSOLUTELY no question this would resolve itself, it just takes tim  he had never seen ANYONE that did not completely heal.


What a wonderful reassurance that is, WE WILL ALL HEAL NO QUESTION about it!! So hang in there everyone, it will happen, and this will just be an unpleasant memory.

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Hi buttercup....He has been a pharmacist for 35 yrs,  I know him personally, so I completely trust and believe in him...hope you are okay...m
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Very encouraging, calming, helpful. This is the kind of info that will get us through. Thank you for generously asking questions and sharing answers.


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This is very positive & reassuring.  Thanks for relaying this info.  I've read/heard similar reassurance in a few other places & from individuals with lots of benzo-related experience, whom I sincerely trust.  Must try & keep this message in the forefront, although it seems nearly impossible at times.  Recovery can take a long time for some, but it eventually comes if we trust and persevere.
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I asked him if we would be s/x free at some point, his response was, ABSOLUTELY no question this would resolve itself, it just takes tim  he had never seen ANYONE that did not completely heal.


Wow, minnie. Great post. Thanks.

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Thank you!! Thank you Minnie!!!!


As I read your post...couldn t help thinking of my father...he was a kind man and a pharmacist, as was my grandfather ...and I remember that he never would even take an aspirin!....now I know why....he must be rolling over in his grave over all of this... :-X

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I've spoken with two pharmacists about paxil and klonopin, and they both knew about the

problems with them.

Two for two. Amazing. One said they teach this to them in pharmacy school! That's interesting.


Iggy  :smitten:

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Pharmacists are pretty rad & honest with their drug knowledge, for the most part.  They can be a good source of knowledge, certainly.  I mean, granted, it's what they (are supposed to) do.  Like in any profession, some of them aren't so savvy, but on the whole they blow doctors out of the water when it comes to drug knowledge.



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That is interesting Iggy...I d be curious as to how many times a pharmacist, who is aware of the dangers here, wanted to say something to the customer but didn't in fear of causing a problem with the prescribing Dr....I think I m going to have a chat with one of the younger pharmacists today...just to see how much he knows about the addictive nature of benzos...I promise I ll be nice... :D
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Serenity Now ! ( I loved that episode) lol


I agree regarding pharmacists s knowledge of meds!! I remember while working at my Dad s pharmacy many moons ago, like 40..lol answering calls from  Dr s  who use  to ask about meds and interactions. Of course this was before the computer age!!! and Ativan, Xanax, and klonepin did not exist!!

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Mary -  :laugh: Yeah... it was classic...


Yrs. ago I was on paxil for approx. 8 mos. & decided to discontinue, so did so according to my doc's (sucky) w/d advice.  The w/d wasn't much of anything (compared to this benzo w/d), but I still had some weird symptoms I was curious about, so I asked my young pharmacist about them.  She confirmed my suspicions, saying that she'd recently come off paxil as well and had similar bizarre symptoms that made her go, "WTF?".  (Man, do pharmacists actually TAKE any of this stuff?  Obviously, some of them do :crazy: )  At least she was empathetic and validating, unlike my doc @ the time, who was an absolute space cadet.

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Believe me....you would be amazed at who is taking this stuff...I will share more when I am healed!!! BTW I m watching Seinfeld everyday, as well as Last Comic Standing....check out Joe Machi and Rod Man..laughter and humor....wonderful therapy!!!!!!

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I was always told that pharmacists are infinitely more knowledgeable about drugs than doctors, and the experiences I have read about here seem to bear that out.


Speaking of pharmacists knowing but not being able to say anything- I could be completely imagining this but when I was on the psych drug train it always seemed like the pharmacist would give me funny looks when I picked up my scripts. Like they were "sizing me up" or something. I could have totally been imagining that but it seems odd that I felt that way given that so many people report that their pharmacists are benzo wise.

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I was always told that pharmacists are infinitely more knowledgeable about drugs than doctors, and the experiences I have read about here seem to bear that out.


Speaking of pharmacists knowing but not being able to say anything- I could be completely imagining this but when I was on the psych drug train it always seemed like the pharmacist would give me funny looks when I picked up my scripts. Like they were "sizing me up" or something. I could have totally been imagining that but it seems odd that I felt that way given that so many people report that their pharmacists are benzo wise.


I use to feel the same picking up scripts....

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Thank you for this helpful post, Minnie :) Very encouraging.


When I went to fetch my prescription shortly after my failed c/t attempt, the pharmacist told me that the Klonopin is very dangerous, it can rob me of my quality of life and I shouldn't take it. No one should take it in his opinion, because it "addles the brain". I appreciated his blunt honesty. It was like a breath of fresh air compared to my doctors' ignorance (or lies).


My grandfather was a pharmacist, and he NEVER took any medicines except some occasional baking soda for stomach problems and caffeine tablets for headache :laugh:



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Interesting about pharmacists who know about these drugs and keeping their mouths shut.

It must bother them. I would be bothered if I were filling prescriptions for people.


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You are welcome sinnerman.... I know I need reassurance that this will end and if I need to I will ask him again! I hope you are doing well..I am so struggling with the head pressure and benzo belly, knowing it will end is great, but living with it in the meantime not so easy....take good care...m
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I was always told that pharmacists are infinitely more knowledgeable about drugs than doctors, and the experiences I have read about here seem to bear that out.


Speaking of pharmacists knowing but not being able to say anything- I could be completely imagining this but when I was on the psych drug train it always seemed like the pharmacist would give me funny looks when I picked up my scripts. Like they were "sizing me up" or something. I could have totally been imagining that but it seems odd that I felt that way given that so many people report that their pharmacists are benzo wise.

My pharmacists did the same thing when I'd come in to get my clonazepam. They'd look at me, then look at each other, and sorta shake their heads sadly. One of them even told me once that he knew a lady who was having a very hard time coming off clonazepam and I shouldn't stay on it very long. Three years later, I found out how right he was. My doctor, of course, never thought there was or could be any problem at all.

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Thanks for this info. Very nice to hear.


When I picked up my last Klonopin prescription back in June, I told my pharmacist that it was my LAST klonopin prescription. She came around the counter and hugged me! She told me about the horrible experience she'd had coming off of Xanax - and she was only on it for 3 weeks! She understood.


I told her I'd been using benzos for close to 30 years. She said all of this is temporary - including the severe memory problems. She said she knew many people coming off benzos for 30 and 40 years who completely recovered.


Before getting any prescription filled from a doctor, I'm definitely going to consult my pharmacist. It's always reassuring to hear comments like these.  :thumbsup:

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