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Ruminating thoughts about panic attacks!?!?


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Hey guys ill try to have it short, back in Oct 2013 I had my first ever panic attack produced by a physical sensation to a drug I took for nausea, Hospital loaded me up with Ativan and sent me home. Next morning I woke up feeling good and all of a sudden felt heat come over my body, wondering now if it was the ativan leaving my body?? Anyway panicked and ended back driving myself to ER 2 mg of ativan this time, and told to go see me GP. Well next day GP says your BP is high and to take beta blocker and upped a dose of generic effexor to 75mg which ive never been able to tolerate but was so in a daze never thought about it. Was on effexor for test anexity in senior year of college and never got off because was to busy to deal with the withdrawal. Those few days I was on the higher dose of 75mg effexor I had rolling panic attacks and was ridden with anxiety from nowhere. Needless to say I went and seen a psychiatrist and my journey with klonopin began, I took .05 k every day until March 13th 2014. So i am just over 5 months free from klonopin, I have seen improvements of my symptoms but keep getting stuck on dwelling on panic attacks and scared that I will still have to be on guard where ever I go because I might have another. Funny thing is I never had a panic attack during the first 2 months off K, but I have been having these little mini panic attacks that last like 1-2 minutes but I snap out of them, I have been doing CBT therapy wondering if withdrawal could be playing a role on me being fixated on the thoughts of panic like almost trying to bring it on, and if these little mini panic attacks will stop after withdrawal. I just want to go back to living life not concerned about this. Any help or info you guys can give would be great or any similar stories!! :)


Oh I forgot to mention when some days I don't think about it when my mind is on other symptoms such as one I picked up is my breathing. It's like when my other symptoms are good my mind looks for things that will worry me or stress me out. Never seems like it is on a level playing ground, soon as it stops one thing to worry about the next day it will be something else.

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Hey guys ill try to have it short, back in Oct 2013 I had my first ever panic attack produced by a physical sensation to a drug I took for nausea, Hospital loaded me up with Ativan and sent me home. Next morning I woke up feeling good and all of a sudden felt heat come over my body, wondering now if it was the ativan leaving my body?? Anyway panicked and ended back driving myself to ER 2 mg of ativan this time, and told to go see me GP. Well next day GP says your BP is high and to take beta blocker and upped a dose of generic effexor to 75mg which ive never been able to tolerate but was so in a daze never thought about it. Was on effexor for test anexity in senior year of college and never got off because was to busy to deal with the withdrawal. Those few days I was on the higher dose of 75mg effexor I had rolling panic attacks and was ridden with anxiety from nowhere. Needless to say I went and seen a psychiatrist and my journey with klonopin began, I took .05 k every day until March 13th 2014. So i am just over 5 months free from klonopin, I have seen improvements of my symptoms but keep getting stuck on dwelling on panic attacks and scared that I will still have to be on guard where ever I go because I might have another. Funny thing is I never had a panic attack during the first 2 months off K, but I have been having these little mini panic attacks that last like 1-2 minutes but I snap out of them, I have been doing CBT therapy wondering if withdrawal could be playing a role on me being fixated on the thoughts of panic like almost trying to bring it on, and if these little mini panic attacks will stop after withdrawal. I just want to go back to living life not concerned about this. Any help or info you guys can give would be great or any similar stories!! :)


Oh I forgot to mention when some days I don't think about it when my mind is on other symptoms such as one I picked up is my breathing. It's like when my other symptoms are good my mind looks for things that will worry me or stress me out. Never seems like it is on a level playing ground, soon as it stops one thing to worry about the next day it will be something else.


I completely understand what you mean, lol. I know that I am not afraid of any of these things. In withdrawal, the mind and the thoughts it produces are temporarily distorted because of the temporary higher amounts of glutamate and temporary lower amounts of gaba. I sure wish we didn't have to experience any of this, but it will pass. Soon, we will have our reasoning and logic capacities restored to completely normal functions -- and then WE can decide what we respond to, and how. For now, it seems that we can control our our mental reaction and response to the thoughts. It won't be long before we have full control of our thoughts, emotional, and physical responses again. In the mean time, I surrender and just ride it out. It stinks, but it will pass. Like the many survivors before us, we will also pass through this and recover. :)


Glad you posted about this! Feels good to know I'm not alone in this :) Take care,


Mrs. :smitten:

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Mr. Salw you made me feel much better knowing there are other people going through this and that I'm not alone. I just wish my mind would say what if you developed panic disorder!! But I don't have panic attacks every day, I would say my last one was in June 28th and they seem to happen after I'm stressed out!! I wonder if the benZo has made my cns sensitive and things I normally would not panic at I panic. I never had panic attacks before this except those back to back ones I had in October when I dident know what they were, and I felt my heart race after taking that drug for nausea!! Anyone else have any experience?
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