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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Just something I wanted to share...


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Tell me I am worth it. Make me feel special. Walk with me in this time of need. Please don't turn your back on me. I know you hate when I cry but they are only tears they aren't toxic. Hold me close if you don't know what to say don't say say anything at all just hold me. Let me hear your heartbeat so I know that you are there. I know you don't understand but you don't have to. Just hold me. Know with your encouragement and love I am that much closer to getting better. Know I hate feeling this way. It is awful. Dreadful...
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That speaks to exactly how I feel with my friends and family.  That's what we all need right now.  It's not a lot to ask, but at times seems to unattainable.




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That speaks to exactly how I feel with my friends and family.  That's what we all need right now.  It's not a lot to ask, but at times seems to unattainable.






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Benzogirl you can't steal my "WORD" reply now! Lol!! Everytime I see you post it I smile. Just know that you make me smile... :smitten:


And to Mollywithnumbers,


"DOUBLE WORD!!!"  :smitten:



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Dear sweet Molly,

come and sit with me on this park bench and we can watch the birds on the pond..

it's very okay to cry...let it all out.

What is happening is that you are healing, and you will forget most of this pain..

it will be a distant memory. Here's a blanket--is that okay?

You are worth it. You have value. You deserve the best, and you will be

off these toxins and you are to be greatly commended for your efforts.

I have some bread crumbs--let's feed the ducks.

Love and gentle hugs,

Iggy  :smitten:

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My husband is very caring and patient. He has been a super hero through this ordeal! However, they don't know what it is like to be us and often we get sick of telling them how bad we feel too or what we need...bc this seems like all the time right? The other night I was on the couch crying...he continued to do the dishes....I thankful he was cleaning of-course but at that moment I did not need the dishes done...I needed him to hold me. I was sad, upset and feeling hopeless. I literally had to tell him, "please stop doing the dishes and get over here and hold me"... he did. I think it is important for us to know we have to let our loved ones know our needs so they can deliver them effectively :smitten:



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