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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Intrusive thoughts, detachment


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It just gets harder and harder to trust that these will go away. I dealt with DP before benzos and it sucked but it was manageable and didn't depress me the way it does now, and I'm tired of talking to people and instead of thinking about what they're saying I'm conjuring up some terrible and annoying thought. I only took klonopin for a total of 6 weeks and here I am 5 months later and the psychological symptoms are as bad as they've been. I cannot believe that pill for that short of a time could have caused this feeling of derachment and all of the various emotions that my frustration with it cause. Looking for anyone to help me cope. Hope everyone else is doing as well as they can!
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This is the WORST symptom for me. If it went away I would be 100% healed. I'm 11 weeks in and I don't really know what to tell you as I have yet to figure this one out. What is your diet like? Do you exercise? Are you taking any other drugs? (even caffeine) ?
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This is the WORST symptom for me. If it went away I would be 100% healed. I'm 11 weeks in and I don't really know what to tell you as I have yet to figure this one out. What is your diet like? Do you exercise? Are you taking any other drugs? (even caffeine) ?


I exercise everyday. Play hockey tennis and lift weights. Other than 2 beers one weekend I've had no drugs alcohol or caffeine. I eat a very high protein healthy diet. I've tried everythkng and it seems like only time will heal, but I still have the fear of will time really heal? The physical aches and pains sucked at the time but this is so much worse. All it took was a few blood tests and some heart exams and I knew it was all withdrawal. There's no way to test what we deal with except ride it out

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Perhaps you are exercising TOO much. Have you tried just doing light exercise instead? Also I would not drink alcohol at all. Deep relaxation/meditation has helped me a bit. Good luck.
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No alcohol. Agreed.


I totally stay away from it. It's been 5 months and I had two light beers one day and had a wave after. I learned my lesson big time

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I know what your going through I have irrational fears and anexity flare ups, I despise it I was on Klonopin for 4 months jumped 3 days after you!! Hope this all goes away for us both man, My mind keeps trying to get me to go into a panic attack or to focus on having one, its so weird its like I'll stop and stare or be sitting the words panic attack pop in my head then it's like it wants to get me into the mode to have one. I fight it off and win, but it scares me thinking my brains gets caught up like that and tries to have its way!! Grrr I hate benzos
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I was on Ativan for a short time (less than two months) so I understand the frustration of short term use w/ long term symptoms. I'm 11 months out. I've had many windows & waves. I'm in another wave right now which I think was aggravated by too much exercise & some stressful events. Our symptoms will eventually fade away. It was very mental for me quite some time then that faded a lot by month 8 or 9 I believe.
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Cad, so glad you wrote that gives me some hope, Im at month 5 and having a lot of the weird mental symptoms and anxiety and fear!! Wish this would end soon also a another low dose short time user. 4 months and .05 Daily. :(
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