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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Day 15


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Shouldn't the ativan be out of my system by now,,,,


Took 19mg over 35 days and about 20 more over previous year.




15 dys no ativan, no alcohol, no meds of any kind should this start to pass, how long to heal the brain....

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Even if the ativan is out of your body that does not mean the w/d is done. It means the w/d is continuing. It's going to take patience and time. Hang in there man, Cheers  :thumbsup:
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I just feel I never took that much, still time to heal....


How long to heal from this? Acute stage? Even after 15 days of being clear?


How long another couple weeks?


I do think I feel a bit better each day........

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I just feel I never took that much, still time to heal....


How long to heal from this? Acute stage? Even after 15 days of being clear?


How long another couple weeks?


I do think I feel a bit better each day........

Hi Benplat


I think if your starting to feel better thats a great sign. Its all has to do with how long it takes for your brain to start firing off the rt messages again. Benzo w/d down regulates the gabba receptors so for some of us the process takes some time.


Again if your seeing a difference already in getting better thats really good.



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The withdrawal from Ativan goes on beyond when it is out of your system. It is also has a very short half life of approximately 10 hours making it more difficult to come off then a benzodiazepine such as valuim with a 80 hour half life. The good thing is you were not on it for a long time which I hope makes your withdrawal symptoms short lived.
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A little better, drank 2 beer last night and need to stay away from all alcohol, at least for a months I think........


Should be better tomorrow......


I can't wait for this to pass.....

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You should really stay away from alcohol for the time being. It can throw you right back in the beginning of acute phase w/d. Alcohol hits some of the same receptors as benzos so you can be playing with fire.
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