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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Tapering off Clonazepam- Effects on Body and Mind while still taking Effexor


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I am not sure if this is the right place to post or not but here goes.  I am currently tapering, slowly, off of clonazepam.  I have been on clonazepam for 10+ years and was taking close to 25mg at the highest point.  I am currently taking .75/day and am reducing that amount by 10% ever 7-10 days. 


What I am curious about is since I take 300mg of Effexor and 200mg of Lamictal/day, if my reactions would be different than others who are not taking these medications.  I know that Benzos affect many parts of our brains including seratonin, dopamine, GABA, and other natural chemicals.  I also know that Effexor and Lamictal affect some of those chemicals as well.  I am curious if anyone has any information or personal experience with this situation.


Thanks in advance.


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Probably, but I think that it would be very difficult to know precisely how the other drugs were affecting your withdrawal.  I stumbled on a paper that demonstrated that one of the subunits in GABAA is upregulated by lamictal.  That could potentially be a good thing in restoring your GABAA balance (maybe).  On the down side, there could be a rebound effect if/when you discontinue lamictal.  The interaction of these drugs in our diverse physiologies is really difficult to know with certainty.
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300MG of effexor is a heap of AD.  Lamictal also amplifies any benzo. Your probably dependent on both by now. Just go slow and follow your sxs down slow how ever long that takes and never feel you have to rush.
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Did I read you right - 25 mgs of Klonapin a day? Goodness. It is truly a testament to your strength that you have tapered down so well.

Once you're off the benzo, then you can address the others drugs. That would be safer for you, I think.


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Did I read you right - 25 mgs of Klonapin a day? Goodness. It is truly a testament to your strength that you have tapered down so well.

Once you're off the benzo, then you can address the others drugs. That would be safer for you, I think.



Easty, I know one guy that's tapering 45mg of xanax!  He is from Panama where it's an over the counter drug.  The guy tapered for 2 years and is only down to 18mg now.  It may take 6 or 7 years but it's doable  :thumbsup:

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