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has anyone had facial pressure/cheekbones ache in month 7 or 8,neuropathy? help


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Does anyone else or has anyone else had facial pressure or cheek bones aching off and on through month 7 or 8. I imagine its neuropathy but its horrible. Just need some reassurance and insight.
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If you don't have any history of spine, neck or head injuries, its probably "just withdrawal." And completely normal. Its doubtful its a true neuropathy, which means damage to somewhere in the spinal cord. Yes, we have temporary "brain damage" but its temporary, and I wish there were a better term for it. Neurological damage, perhaps. It helps to get a better understanding of why we do have these weird symptoms. And theres quite a few good threads about this, Parker's and Perseverance's come to mind.


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I have none of these I know its WD..but was just wondering basically if many others are experiencing this around this timeframe. God please get me to a year to 18 months!
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I'm relaxed bud just want some more insight from others as well. Everything you said makes sense and is appreciative and seems to be on track. Its easier for you to say that if your feeling better farther out guy..but you know how it is. Can people chime in around these months? But thank you east.
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Im not a guy. Im a 64 year old woman. And I went through one of the absolute worst withdrawals known on this forum. No lie. I do know what Im talking about.

Comparing timeframes is a waste of your time, but a lot of us do this. Month 7-8 were rough for me. Month 7-8 were great for others. Most people have healed by then. So what? Your road is YOUR road, and you will travel down it in your own timeframe.

I will back out of your thread at this point. I wish you all the luck in the world, and hope your symptoms start to get better soon. They will, but right now you may not believe this.


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East your fine I don't mind you on my thread your very helpful. The thing that makes me upset is at 5 months I turned a corner and six I felt like 60 percent very manageable ect and by pry almost normal or mostly healed by now which I felt I would be but had something happen beginning of six that slammed me like a massive wave that locked my head up like the beginning emotionally numb and slowly getting better. So it was either a huge wave or started over just less intense after all the months ice went its a weird situation of what happend. But all I can do is go forward and get to another six again and beyond. I may never know what caused it and I guess it normal but something actually happend that caused it and I've learned from this in the future to take it easy always even that far out.
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Yeah its no fun free. Thanks for chiming in. We will all get through this. I have a feeling big healing is coming our way these next five or six months v. Hope you feel better I feellike you do right now.
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I suffer from TMJ, sounds very similar what you all are describing. Does this sound similar?:

Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:


Pain or tenderness of your jaw

Aching pain in and around your ear

Difficulty chewing or discomfort while chewing

Aching facial pain

Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth

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Yes sir. Had it this whole time off and on.


A lot of people that have anxiety/stress suffer from TMJ. Mine was exacerbated by a migraine med I was taking (an old-school a/d). I even went to physical therapy for it, which helped a bunch but didn't make it go away. TMJ is a weird beast. There are some TMJ specialist that deal specifically with that - may want to search for them in your area.

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I would do that,but I'm trying to stay away from many people in daytime hours its a little much still but I have been integrating and going at night places since 4 months and even walked past traffic early on and fifth month. Lately I've noticed I'm talking to people in day time delivery man ups or tractiror repair person ect people that have to stop by for everyday life things there brief but I'm handling them OK and keeping calm its another step of tedtin the waters slowly more and more. I think tmj will eventually go away I never had it pre benzo but yeah its horrible.
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How are you doing long distance,what month are you on? What are your symptoms mental and physical ?


I am in my 5th month of tapering, if I start naming my symptoms we'll be here all day :) It's been a rollercoaster. I know you said you aren't keen on going outside during the day at the moment, so instead would you want to read this book? http://www.amazon.com/TMJ-Healing-Plan-Relieving-Persistent-ebook/dp/B00LMKZ1OC/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1408326654&sr=8-4&keywords=tmj


I have read it, and has a lot of good tips on pain relief.

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Yeah thank you so much I'll check it out. God bless you. I do go out in the day everyday and do activies and enjoy the sun its just people in the daytime if I have to interact sometimes its a big uh oh.its weird but my CNS us very damaged still and my brain. :(
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ItsMyLife......many are not healed by months, 6/7/8....there is a whole group on the Support Groups board in the 6-12 months support group. Many of us are seeing consistent t improvement t ( more so from months, 9-12). I developed head/face pressure in month 6. At times one cheek feels numb. While obssessively comparing s/x and timeliness can backfire, talking about experiences with certain s/x and helping each other deal with them and get through them has been extremely helpful to me. ..

....We do all heal in our own time in our own way, but the similarities when shared can keep us hopeaful and support keeps us moving on. ...btw I find it difficult to be relaxed about any s/x thwart that worries me, asking how others made it through helps me let it go a little.

......Your face pressure is most likely w/d butseeing a physician just for reassurance can go a long way....hope it clears soon ...and good healing to you...coop

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ItsMyLife....many of us get hit with a stunning wave in month 6...for some reason it is very common and blindsides people as most have had some encouraging improvement somewhere between month 3-6. .....You will get through this bad wave and see improvement again...coop
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Coop well said I get relief and motivation as well from the similarities and relief. You are right and I hope to see more improve mental and healing the months you stated. I hope you are doing good. And thanks for letting me know there's hope and responding. I'll be praying a lot.
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I have had pain in my upper right cheekbone area off and on my entire wd. When it was bad it felt like someone punched me in the eye. Pretty sure it is related to the sinus, tooth and jaw pain I have had on the same side.
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Pain in face/  cheekbones  can also be caused by clenching or grinding teeth while asleep.  I wear a mouthguard to stop tooth damage.
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Yes, I have it today and I'm coming to a year off. Weird sensations in head/face/mouth have been an ongoing feature of my detox. Today it is my cheeks and forehead, so your post caught my eye. Depressingly my notes suggest they've been with me now for over two years straight! I really, really hope they go soon.


I've found Neurontin helpful for alleviating these sensations and for curbing anxiety (which is no longer such a big issue for me) - but I'm very wary of all meds really and have only taken it a few times when I've felt desperate. It makes me feel quite toxic afterwards.

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I'm in month 8 and one of my remaining symptoms is that I get bad migraines and I feel the pain mostly in my face bones, especially the cheekbones. I also feel it in my teeth. I got migraines pre benzo but now seem to get them more often and as I said now they are in my face bones.


I don't have any pain or clicking in the jaw so I don't suppose it's TMJ. As to whether or not I clench my jaw when asleep, how would I even know that?


Anyway it's all wd I guess and so it will all go away sooner or later...

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