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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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just looking through some posts, even went to klonopin club, people suffer years after, even on slow taper, don't think I will be able to do this, cant suffer anymore, as I am reading there seems to be no easy way out, I am on higher doses then many I read, so scared
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All I can tell you about the horror stories you read on this post is they are the minority. Most people in the world don't feel like crap on a benzo or even stopping them. I just had a friend cold turkey her AD, Xanax, and ambien and was fine. Though I would never do that or promote that! It is very dangerous, but it does show people can come off no issues. This site is for those who do have issues and it is still a very small % of those who are even tapering. This site does not have an all encompassing population of benzo users on it, only a small %. There are millions of people on benzos in the world! And MOST still do fairly well getting off. You have to live your own journey, not anyone else's.



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grinch, thanks, you always make me feel a little better, I am just scared I will be one who has trouble, do you have faith in the ashton method ?
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I may be one of those horror stories. Don't read my blog or success story, if you are this vulnerable right now. I always tell people to stop reading any post that bothers you. Even my own!

Those of us who take a really long time to heal are a tiny, tiny minority, and you mustn't let us scare you.

As Grinch said, MOST people get off these drugs without any problem. Even cold turkey! I would guess that the vast majority of people feel fine after a month, maybe two at most.

When you start reading something that scares you.....click off it. Right away! At this point, you are vulnerable and fragile; your brain is not comprehending things as it normally would. So, baby it....don't read anything that concerns you.

You will feel better in time. Heck, I do, and if I can do it, anyone can.


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I do. I am using it as a guide. I did choose to stay on the Xanax instead of switching over to Valium though, that was my personal choice and I live with this decision. It was the best one for me. With the cutting process I never cut more than 10% from my original dose as per Ashton. Sometimes its way less but never more. But I cut weekly instead of every 14 days. This again is my decision, many bbs were against this bc it seems too fast, but I have to live my own journey in the end and since I am on a fast acting benzo I believe it's doable. The slow acting benzos, like V, take longer to show symptoms after a cut and need a longer hold time IMO (in my opinion).


Like I said, I have been on this site since Jan and have seen many bbs use the Ashton method successfully and so I know it works. Is it a piece of cake, no, but it does have a high success rate!!  :thumbsup:



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grinch, thanks, you always make me feel a little better, I am just scared I will be one who has trouble, do you have faith in the ashton method ?


I have complete faith in it and follow it and I still remain with no side effects, since I began my journey off 10 mg of K a year ago. I am now on 1.75 mg Of K and 70 mg of V, and I feel just fine, as so will you, once you begin to stabilize. You'll be just fine Chicky. I have faith in you and your PA. Sometimes I think that PAs know more about medicine than regular MDs. Hugs, bets

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Hi chicky


Put horror stories at the back of your mind. You do that every day.


Do you imagine being killed every time you use your car?


Why not?


Because it happens only to a minority.


This is no different.



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