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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Different Opinions On Clonazepam Withdrawal


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I am sure glad I found BB forum.  I have gotten a lot of good info and support.  I have also found many references to low dose clonazepam withdrawal.

Searching the web I can across another drug website with a different take on clonazepam withdrawal.  Their POV is that low dose withdrawal is not valid and anyone should be able to discontinue clonazepam at at dose of .25mg or .125mg.

In the past two months I have tried to jump at these levels and each time the result was severe anxiety, PA's, and a multitude of physical symptoms such as vision, muscle, insomnia, etc. 

I have managed .5mg or less clonazepam for my anxiety and PA's for more than ten years and did not become dependent.

I became dependent on clonazepam after being prescribed hydrocodone for pain and having severe withdrawal I used clonazepam to ease that withdrawal.  I had no idea I would be dependent on clonazepam.  I always used the least amount which was .5mg or less.  I am now tapered down to .102mg and experiencing withdrawal.


How can there be two POV's on this subject?






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Hi Luke,

What I have learned on this forum, and through my experience, is that the dose you are on or the duration of use doesn't matter. Some people react within two weeks of use after taking a "low" dose. These drugs are serious business and even what a doctor would refer to as a "low" dose can make rapid and harmful changes to the nervous system that take a while to reverse.


I was on a low dose of Ativan and my Psychiatrist switched me to klonopin to treat interdose withdrawals. She prescribed .25mg/day and I only took half that (.125) and that dose slammed me. I tapered way too fast.


If I were you, I would listen to your body and slow down the taper. If the taper takes many, many months, it doesn't matter, as long as you aren't feeling so badly. Are you doing a liquid taper?

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Most of the medical world is in the dark about the damage benzos can do, and they are under the assumption you can safely rapidly taper off low doses like that. Some people can, but many can't.


If you are experiencing withdrawals tapering more quickly, you are not one if the people who can just stop, unfortunately. If I've learned anything going through this, I've learned to listen to my body and not let a doctor, or anyone else, dictate what is "good" or "bad" for me. They are the ones that got us in this situation, after all.


The website you read, I would disregard, because it's giving dangerous advice.

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There are many POVs on this subject. Some even think Ashton's methods go too fast. Whatever - you have a history of one withdrawal already. Therefore, you may be more likely to have a rough second one (its called kindling-). And you already found out that benzos cause a problem for you. So - do it your own way . Go as slow as you think is necessary.


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How can there be two POV's on this subject?


Because these drugs have not been properly studied regarding withdrawal.


The question is, who are you going to believe? The side that tells you it is impossible, or the side that confirms the very real illness that you and many other ex patients are experiencing?


Clonazepam is one of the worst of the worst and there really is no such thing as a low dose that would be prescribed by a doctor.

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Thanks for the posts.


I would like to end the clonazepam ASAP and that makes me want to believe a short taper is possible.  However I have had a negative response trying to jump to soon and I must be one of the unlucky ones. 

I will need to accept slow and steady.

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You took 0.5 mg for 10 years Luke. That's the same as taking 10 mg of Valium for 10 years. It is not a small dose man. You have no way of knowing when your body became dependent on this drug. You can still be dependent but not be having noticable withdrawal symptoms.


Slow and steady man, as others have said here. Cheers

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I would like to end the clonazepam ASAP and that makes me want to believe a short taper is possible. 


At first I was glad that I had done a rapid (3 month) taper, but since I have been symptomatic for so long if I had to go back and do it over again I would have absolutely done a longer taper. There are no prizes for being drug free, the prize is in regaining your health and all of the evidence points to the fact that a longer taper improves your chances of healing in a timely manner.

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I am sure glad I found BB forum.  I have gotten a lot of good info and support.  I have also found many references to low dose clonazepam withdrawal.

Searching the web I can across another drug website with a different take on clonazepam withdrawal.  Their POV is that low dose withdrawal is not valid and anyone should be able to discontinue clonazepam at at dose of .25mg or .125mg.

In the past two months I have tried to jump at these levels and each time the result was severe anxiety, PA's, and a multitude of physical symptoms such as vision, muscle, insomnia, etc. 

I have managed .5mg or less clonazepam for my anxiety and PA's for more than ten years and did not become dependent.

I became dependent on clonazepam after being prescribed hydrocodone for pain and having severe withdrawal I used clonazepam to ease that withdrawal.  I had no idea I would be dependent on clonazepam.  I always used the least amount which was .5mg or less.  I am now tapered down to .102mg and experiencing withdrawal.


How can there be two POV's on this subject?


There are 300 million Americans who live in this country. Now you have 300 million different POVs.  Bets

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  • 2 weeks later...

How can there be two POV's on this subject?


Because these drugs have not been properly studied regarding withdrawal.


The question is, who are you going to believe? The side that tells you it is impossible, or the side that confirms the very real illness that you and many other ex patients are experiencing?


Clonazepam is one of the worst of the worst and there really is no such thing as a low dose that would be prescribed by a doctor.


There is a lot of research going into withdrawal  in Australia.  I have agreed to be a case study!

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There is a lot of research going into withdrawal  in Australia.  I have agreed to be a case study!


That is very good news. I just hope that the US wakes the hell up eventually.

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How can there be two POV's on this subject?


Because these drugs have not been properly studied regarding withdrawal.


The question is, who are you going to believe? The side that tells you it is impossible, or the side that confirms the very real illness that you and many other ex patients are experiencing?


Clonazepam is one of the worst of the worst and there really is no such thing as a low dose that would be prescribed by a doctor.


There is a lot of research going into withdrawal  in Australia.  I have agreed to be a case study!


I don't know if that's good or bad. What if the researcher puts you into the category of a C/T?

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I find it entirely laughable that people in the medical field and so-called experts think that anyone should be able to jump from .25 or .125 mg. of Klonopin and "no problem" - just like that. Well, they're completely wrong and are spreading false rumors. Why listen to people who have no idea what they're talking about? These people end up sounding absolutely clueless and idiotic to those of us who have actually walked that path.
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