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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Finding a doctor to help tappering


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I''m currently on Xanax and Valium was put on these meds legitimately now they want to cut me off, no tapering at all. Am rather scared.  I'm in NSW Australia and need to find a good Doctor to help me.  I had to do this once before and i felt as if I was in hell.  I was prescribed them for severe Anxiety and panic attacks.  I want to come off safely.


I have just started here on this site, I've been on and off Xanax and Valium for the past 6 years have been put on recently Sertaline they tried every one in the book.  Prescribed originally for Sever Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression after I left my husband of 22years due to his Alcoholism and abuse.  I now no these drugs have only made my life so much worse.  Originally as you have said I thought it was a miracle drug but as time went by I was really only existing and still don't think i have delt with the loss of my relationship and life that went with it.  I was 16 when meeting my husband and life with him was all I knew.

I had never been on medication before this and my doctor never mentioned I should only be on them for small period of time, in fact he was happy to keep giving me scripts of both and even Nitrazapam for sleeping.  My tolerance was building therefore took more and more and escaping the problems in my life.  I don't drink alcohol at all now and have not for years, I just don't like the taste.

I also have put on alot of weight, which at the moment are really trying to use my exercise bike 30min every day and eat healthy.

I am scared, I only have a small amount of medication left and my original doc who was handing out these meds was closed down due to this.  I have struggled to find a Doctor or any professional here in Australia that will help with a tapering method.

I have been to detox twice and finished each time, they only do it over a period of 7 days and my body and brain were not adjusting well.  As you no that's when all the horrible symptoms start.  I even had A Seziure and was very sick, this was after 7 months and the second time, I felt so bad all the time I tried so many other things to help, meditation, natural remadies etc and i felt that I could no longer live this way and I would rather die.  I felt I'd been on a huge burden to all around me.  No one i new had delt with this, I could not expect them to understand the full extent of how bad i was Mind, body and soul.

So I relapsed a friend was giving them to me, knowing one day I would have to face it again, the general anxiety of all this in it self is extremely bad.

I really need to find a good doctor that will understand and help with a tapering method.  In Australia they have just clamped down on prescribing any of these medications, I understand why but myself and people like me that were really test subjects should now be given proper care to come off these medications.

At my highest point I'd been taking 8mgs xanax a day and 25mg valium  a day.  Have not used Nitrazipam for a long time. 

With the medication I had left I tried to tapper myself but it's just so hard.  I'm looking after my father who has had a stroke and helping my mother with the house and all needs, I'm happy to do these things and can when I have the meds, once I'm off I don't no what too do & I no how bad I'll feel, trying to stay positive though and I feel like I've let everyone down again.

All the symptoms you have mentioned I have had.  I no you understand where I'm coming from.

Am very happy to hear how good you are and how far you have come, you should be so proud of yourself and all others here that i've read about.  I too have lost my lust for life in general.

best wishes to all, this is my story in short, although it sound long.

Magenta    :( :'( :-\


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Hi Magenta40, and welcome to BenzoBuddies!  We're glad you've found us, and you'll find a lot of information and support here.  Our members are happy to share their withdrawal experiences with others---and although withdrawal symptoms can be severe, they are only temporary.


I'm sorry you find yourself in this difficult position.  For anyone who's been on benzos for more than several weeks, tapering is advisable. 


We have several caring and friendly Australian members, and they may be able to help you find a doctor in your area.  I'm in the western U.S. and of course our health care system is much different from yours.


It's important, inasmuch as is possible, to avoid going on and off benzos multiple times.  This can lead to kindling, which can make each successive withdrawal harder than the last.  IMO, for someone who has been rapidly detoxed in the past, slow tapering is especially important.  I've heard that detox's in Australia keep people much longer than they do in the U.S., but even so, it's an iffy proposition.


Good luck, and keep posting!


Meanwhile, here are a few links you'll find useful:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Hi Magenta :)


It sounds like you have been through the wringer.


Hopefully you can start a manageable taper, with manageable w/d symptoms, and finally say goodbye to these class of drugs.


Where are you in Australia?


I'm in Adelaide which mean even if I didn't have a prescriber I might be able to get some support because of this publication by the department of health:




It isn't perfect but it has a few plusses:

1) it acknowledges the severity and time of withdrawal syndromes (and that abrupt cessation is part of the causal issue)

2) it recommends a taper that is partly based on withdrawal symptoms - so the patient has some input

3) it generally follows Ashton with crossing over to valium and using Ashton equivalencies


It does recommend inpatient withdrawal till 50mg Valium however. At 50mg valium it recommends continuing the withdrawal as an outpatient with some more input from the patient's symptoms. I'm not sure what dose you are on.


Anyway, in general I've found Australian doctors to be pretty good on this front. If you can show them these SA Health recommendations (even if you aren't in SA Drs know that Depts or Health put out recommendations like this only when there is overwhelming evidence in favor of the approach), and/or the Ashton Manual, as well as a thorough projected taper plan (subject to symptom severity) it is likely to help.


Let me know where you are and what dose you are on






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So sorry to hear of your challenges-benzos do a number on all of us, and to be cut off (vs. tapering) is simply inhumane. I really hope someone from Oz :angel: steps up with any ideas/advice/support. It's hard when you're not feeling well, but keep posting/asking questions/looking for answers in NSW. Keep the faith....many people do 'beat the benzo beast,' so why not you?


Can you take some relevant pages of the Ashton Manual to a doctor or nurse in your area? Keep at it, 'cuz you're worth it :thumbsup:.

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