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My gums


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I reported yesterday that I feel okayish mentally but I have one nagging problem. My gums are bothering me so bad. I saw a specialist who cleared up a gum infection I had but I still have no relief. It's apparent my gums in that area are healing (I guess) I go through waves of anxiety that make me think the gums  are swollen in that area or that I feel pain. Now all of my gums are like throbbing.  The specialist told me I have minor gum disease so I have been flossing for over a week now so maybe that's it? My whole mouth is just bothering me I don't know if it's withdrawal or what. Now my jaw, and ear are bothering me. I don't know if it's because I'm thinking about it all the time...it's driving me crazy. My gums itch, burn and are throbbing :(
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Hey Mina yes its WD I had it on early in the first three months and settle or go away its just temporary. It may appear to the doc that its gum disease because there inflamed from WD. But u can assure you they'll go down and feel normal again.
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Had my gums flare up at 8 1/2 months out after not having the issue since early acute.  The dentist in June saw inflammation, too, but I wasn't having the swelling and the bright red color change.  The 2 times it's happened, there was no ticable receding along the gumline.


this shit has turned me into an old hag in mere months

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I had / still have this issue. I actually needed 3 root canals over the last 3 months.. What part of our bodies doesn't this WD effect... >.<
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Yes after I jumped on July 11 I developed a gum abscess :( terrible traumatic experience while in acute withdrawal.  The periodontist I saw said I have "bad" gum disease, I never had gum disease and see my dentist often. I had a lot of dental work including my first root canal during my taper. Since my jump my mouth is like on fire :(

It's driving me crazy

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I think mine are inflamed again now as well from the start of the six month when I got slammed with a wave that locked my head up and have been trying to recover slowly. Fml
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Getting off these drugs is such a nightmare. Never in a million years did I think my gums would be affected ?!! Who would make that connection...
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I also have an abscess from a tooth I've yet to pull.. I think another reason for our tooth decay and gum problems could be from dry mouth caused by the withdrawal. This just shows how far reaching damage to the nervous system can be..
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This would be a good time to start to distract yourself from obsessing about this issue.  Use anything that gets your mind off it for even a little while, and keep distracting until it becomes a habit.  I used my very obsessiveness to do this and self-distraction became automatic very quickly with me.  I even began to look forward to my favorite distractions.  You can do this!



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I really do need to distract myself from this. I wish I could figure out a way to stop thinking about this. It bothers me so much but I know  obsessing over it is not helping.
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