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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Mornings suck!!!!


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These morning adrenaline rushes coupled with extreme nausea have got to go!!! UGH! I am getting really sick and tired of them! I mean, I'm ok..I can manage and deal with it but I HATE THEM!!!! But I expect this every morning now from 3 am - 11 am and its just getting really old man! It's like having a hangover every morning without the fun of the night before coupled with a panic attack.....that bites!!!! At least if I am gonna be nauseous till 11 am it should be because I had a hell of a night the previous night with my friends!!!! GGGRRR!!!


Ok..I am all better now  :crazy:



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Hi Grinch


I hate the mornings too but mine are a lot shorter too.


8 hours = a whole day, you poor thing  :-\


I just can't function at all when I get up. Have to lie down again and usually fall asleep. Sleeping helps and shortens the suffering.


I have always found it difficult to function in the mornings (40 years of nitrazepam). It got worse as I got older. I could fight it though but not any more.


:'( :'( :'(


I just hope it will improve for us both along with everyone else.


LF  :smitten:





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Does food help with your nausea?  I'm sometimes a little nauseous in the morning, but it quickly subsides when I eat breakfast.  I'm wondering if a midnight snack might get you through the early morning a little better.  My body seems to really want some carbs when it feels nauseous.  It's not too different than me wanting carbs when I have a hangover (the good kind of hangover if there is such a thing).
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Yes I feel groggy, anxious, disconnected and foggy, all at the same time...    It sucks.


These morning adrenaline rushes coupled with extreme nausea have got to go!!! UGH! I am getting really sick and tired of them! I mean, I'm ok..I can manage and deal with it but I HATE THEM!!!! But I expect this every morning now from 3 am - 11 am and its just getting really old man! It's like having a hangover every morning without the fun of the night before coupled with a panic attack.....that bites!!!! At least if I am gonna be nauseous till 11 am it should be because I had a hell of a night the previous night with my friends!!!! GGGRRR!!!


Ok..I am all better now  :crazy:



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Yep, I tried the food thing in the middle of the night...and in the morning...didn't help. Tried the ginger tea...didn't help. Tried the Magnesium...didn't help. The only thing that gives me any kind of relief is "tapping"....I AM A TAPPING MANIAC IN THE MORNING!!!  :crazy:





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I do the tapping too when things get rough.  I look like a fool but it helps.  Mornings SUCK!!!  Just horrible. 


Around 6 pm on I'm ok.  It's the Cortisol level, it's highest in the am and diminishes over the day.


And, those on benzo have heightened Cortisol, we get it really bad.


In time it will get better.



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"Tapping for benzodiazepine withdrawal".... YouTube videos will show you  :thumbsup:. Never thought I d do anything of the kind but when a person is desperate and doesn't believe in medication anymore, this is tried. And by golly it works!! Well, at least takes the edge off  :smitten:



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