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Question about seizures


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Anyone know when the period for seizures is over? I have a lot of neurological symptoms as many know. The jerks can give me an odd sensation in my head! I am scared that this might develop into a seizure. I am 7 weeks out from my last dose.


Love Buddy

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I don't know if there is a set time period for seizures…I've read they're fairly rare and nearly always associated with rapid withdrawal/cold turkey and/or high doses.  You've tapered off and seven weeks seems to me to be a safe amount of time to stop worrying. 


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You have been off benzos for 7 weeks so the risk for seizures has passed. 7 weeks is still early off and I had lots of jerking and shaking at that point.  Your cns is on high alert right now because the calming medicine is gone.  Give it time and this will ease up.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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Sorry Challis I missed your reply. Thank you so much. I've worried about this because I've had such strange sensations in my head.


Love Buddy

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Buddy I also had strange sensations in my head. Felt like mini seizures, mostly in the back of my head. It's part of recovery not true seizure activity
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i have mostly all brain symptoms that scare me to pieces. lot's of brain squeezing with this vibration/surge running through it constantly. i mean, every single waking and sleeping moment and i get scared that i'm the only one and i get scared that it won't ever go away. sometimes i feel like i could just seize out but i never do and grateful for that.


may i ask you specifically what kind of head sensations you have?

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Tere are lots of different kinds if seizures. I haven't had a tonic clonic since my ct but I've been close. I still get the feeling occasionally but not like I used to. I pretty sure I've had a few partial seizures though. I've had a few seizures in my life and they feel really similar to some of my sx, I mean the stuff that happens before a seizure.
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Hi all,


The kind of sensations I have are many. There is a twitch in my foot combined with a sinking feeling in my head. Lasts a second. I think this might be lessening. Then a sort of dizziness combined with an inner vibration. Then funny jolts that wake me from a relaxing state. Lots of face pain when hungry.


Love buddy

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