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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

One year update.


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Hi buddies,


I am posting on this forum to hopefully give you hope.

I am just past my one year mark. I have not been on for a few months, and originally went to the protracted w/d forum for help with the s/x's I'm still having.

I don't recognize most of the names on this forum now. Most that were here a year ago I don't see anywhere, hopefully they have healed!


Although I am still having a few s/x's, once I started reading some of your post's  I realize how very very very much better I am now. Christ, it made me cry to realize that I had actually forgotten about some of the worst things I went through.


The awful guilt I felt for so long.

The feeling of being inside a little machine, just looking out while someone else drove.

The really bizarre thoughts that would pop  into my head out of nowhere.

The terrible rage I had at times. And I do mean RAGE.

The awful crying fits that would last for days. At one time I cried for over 2 weeks almost constantly.

The times I could not sleep until I finally just dropped from exhaustion.

The times when I wondered if I were not just going nuts.


I won't even mention all of the terrible physical symptoms that have mostly gone away.


It really does get better. Hang in there. Try not to let it consume you. That's not easy. It most definitely consumed me for the first 8 months or so. It was all I could think about most times. All I could talk about for a long time.

I know that when some of you read this, you will say "EIGHT FREAKIN' MONTH'S!".

I know that sounds like forever to you now. Know that not everyone takes that long. Some take longer. But if you hang tough, when you look back you will be thankful that it's that you decided to get off benzo's, for whatever reason. If you are anything like me, you will even forget about a lot of the things that are happening to you now.


Stay on this sight. Here there be angels. Trust them, they KNOW.



Keep the Faith!



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Thank you for posting this! It gives me hope. I'm 5 1/2 months out and really struggling. Can I ask what physical symptoms you had?
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Thanks for posting this, vicker. The fact that you're so much better you'd forgotten some of your side effects is awesome news!  :)
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I won't even mention all of the terrible physical symptoms that have mostly gone away.


It really does get better. Hang in there. Try not to let it consume you. That's not easy. It most definitely consumed me for the first 8 months or so. It was all I could think about most times. All I could talk about for a long time.

I know that when some of you read this, you will say "EIGHT FREAKIN' MONTH'S!".

I know that sounds like forever to you now. Know that not everyone takes that long. Some take longer. But if you hang tough, when you look back you will be thankful that it's that you decided to get off benzo's, for whatever reason. If you are anything like me, you will even forget about a lot of the things that are happening to you now.


Stay on this sight. Here there be angels. Trust them, they KNOW.



Keep the Faith!




Thanks for the hope Clyde! I too would like to know about some of the physical sxs you had if you don't mind sharing. My worst ones are disequilibrium, feeling like I am moving when I'm not and this weird BPPV/head pressure on the right side  :'(


This weeks worst...heightened anxiety. I look forward to people like you posting because it gives me a lot of hope!  :smitten:

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My year is about 2 weeks away. I hope by some miracle I'm healed by then! Or at least better than I feel now. If not I guess I get to look forward to 18 months off.
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this is awesome to read. thank you so much for sharing and giving us hope. I've been having some bad days and this is a reminder to go read some more success stories. going there now. take care of yourself. glad you made it!!!
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