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z-pak revved symptoms


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Hey gang,


I've been 100% healed for some time now. I'm able to eat and drink what I want including alcohol. Over the last 60 days I have developed a nasty sinus infection. I went to the Dr. office and was put on a Z-pak and nasal spray. In my experience it's causing a nasty little wave.


I say this not to scare you away from taking medicine, but just to let you know what to expect if you have to. When I say wave I don't mean like acute either. What's happened since I started taking this is my anxiety that was gone is now back. In addition I've lost my appetite and the cold sweats have returned.


I'm sure this will subside when I finish the cycle.


Stay strong and keep healing guys! It gets much better in time!!!!

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Sorry about this Boognish, some people have reported a surge of sxs with antibiotics. The zpack is one I have been able to tolerate well. It could be that the nasal spray has a steroid in it which can also contribute to revving of symptoms.


It should ease up soon.



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Just a thought and something I often wonder about.  Can these s/x not be contributed 100% to a reaction to whatever med a person takes, or how do we know it's definitely a rev of the w/d symptoms?  i.e. Perhaps one would have these s/x whether they'd been on a benzo or not?!



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Thank you for letting us know, Boognish! It helps to find out how others react to drugs after being completely healed. Good healing to you!
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Sorry about this Boognish, some people have reported a surge of sxs with antibiotics. The zpack is one I have been able to tolerate well. It could be that the nasal spray has a steroid in it which can also contribute to revving of symptoms.


It should ease up soon.



I agree with Pianogirl..


I believe that nose spray could be causing this . I also can tolerate ZPack im 100% healed. I hope you feel better soon im sure this will ease quickly . Try and stay away from the nose spray if you can and just use saline nose spray this will help. I have severe sinus issues and get infections way to often . I cant take any of the sprays other then pure saline..


Good luck



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I agree it could have been the steriod. Corticosteriods are what put me on klonopin. I am currently taking ciprofolaxin. I am going to stop because it is reving sxs insane. I want to be switched to a z pack. What do you guys think?
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I don't think it was the spray because I've been using it for over a week without issues.  I stopped the z pak today and already feel better.
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I stopped the cipro and am starting to feel better as well. It probably was the antibiotic. For a while even and asprin would mess me up. Good healing bud.
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"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a warning that fluoroquinolone antibiotics, taken by mouth or injection, carry a risk for permanent peripheral neuropathy. The safety announcement states:1


“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required the drug labels and Medication Guides for all fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs be updated to better describe the serious side effect of peripheral neuropathy.


This serious nerve damage potentially caused by fluoroquinolones may occur soon after these drugs are taken and may be permanent... The topical formulations of fluoroquinolones, applied to the ears or eyes, are not known to be associated with this risk.


Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage in the arms and/or legs, characterized by “pain, burning, tingling, numbness, weakness, or a change in sensation to light touch, pain or temperature, or sense of body position.”


This is not the first warning FDA has posted about this family of antibacterial drugs. In 2008, they posted a black box warning about severe tendon damage. Now having the additional warning for severe and sometimes-permanent nerve damage, there should be NO question in your mind about the danger of these drugs, and I strongly recommend avoiding them if at all possible."


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Right on, sqrude!  Another drug handed out like candy without docs giving patients any warning.  Particularly wrong, when there are so many alternatives available.
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then why this crap is FDA approved I do not understand we all here suffering because of this DAMN FDA playing with out lives

approving shit that our body was not design to fight or take WTF :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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I haven't had a problem with z pak but just saw this and it troubles me greatly because I alternate back and forth between z pak and amoxicillin to manage copd flare-ups.


'FDA Drug Safety Communication: Azithromycin (Zithromax or Zmax) and the risk of potentially fatal heart rhythms' (3-12-2013)




Chinook :o

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I'm aware of that Chinook.  My problem is that I'm allergic to so many antibiotics that I have to rely on the zpack if necessary for a bacterial infection.  :-\
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I don't know what to do Pianogirl, guess I'll have to talk to my doctor.

I've never had a problem with amoxicillin before but had to take it in May and got quite sick from it, it sterilized my gut.

These are good antibiotics but like everything else one has to weigh the benefits and risks.

That's what our doctors get paid the big bucks for. ::)

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