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From all the benzos how do you all remember dates so well. PLEASE READ.


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I want to put up all my benzo and other med dates. When it all began 11 years ago etc. I don't know how you all remember your taper/cut dates. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm 30yrs old all of a sudden. I seriously can hardly remember what went on in my life from when I started xanax at 19 until now at 30. Seriously everything is a blear. I'm just really amazed by all the dates everybody knows and how detailed they all are. I'll try my best to compile something....


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Do you mean all your past dates or medical history, or do you mean all the dates while you are tapering?


Frankly I can't remember what happened last week, so all my past medical history is a bit of a blur. The only way I was able to remember all my tapering milestone dates was to keep a daily log.

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Which is worse benzo withDrAwal or gabapentin withdrawal? Personally I think benzo is worse but than again I didn't continue to taper gaba once I got to 900mg. Gaba is no walk in the park tho like Drs think it is.
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They are both very hard, I tapered the G down to were I am now at the same time so its been just hell, I went into tolerance wd on both of them though so i felt i had no choice. Did u suffer any depression? Im so damn depressed I cant function...very lethargic. Ive been pretty much bedridden for 14 months now. Fun
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How Long were you on it before you went into tolerance withDrAwal? Had no idea tolerance withDrAWal was possible with G. Ugh that sucks for me.
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I've been on a year. Think I have time to finish my 3months left of diazapam taper. Then 3 months of not adjusting anytHing without going into Tolerance withDrAwal on G? I'm guessing G tolerance wd is nowhere near as bad as benzo tolerance w/d?
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I think you will be fine...dont worry about it like that. Again, can uy tell me if u have any depression from this crap?

I dont mean like sad cuz ur going though wd...i mean like real non event depression.

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Is your current dose of diazepam 6mg? ... and you're planning on tapering that over the next 3 months? That's really fast, unless I've misunderstood what you posted above.
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Okay, well just remember that not everyone can follow the Ashton Method, especially as your dose gets lower. A lot of people find it is too harsh, and really have to slow down as their dose gets lower. A lot also need to switch to a daily taper.


Hopefully the Ashton Method will work for you, but please don't push yourself to stick to a set schedule. You need to be flexible and if your body just isn't coping with the cuts then you need to slow down. There really are no prizes for trying to push through the side effects. The only prize is getting to zero with minimal and tolerable symptoms.


If you want to chat to other valium/diazepam taperers you can pop over to the valium support thread. Lots of really helpful and knowledgeable people there. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=96753.0

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When it comes to the dates thing, I can't remember either, I only have the dates in my signature bc that's when I started tapering and I update it as I go. In fact, I had remembered that I was out on Xanax originally for sleep when just a few weeks ago remembered that was not the first time I was given a script for it  :crazy: So it is hard to remember. I have also been on Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Zoloft again, then Cymbalta and finally Prozac to deal with wd from Cymbalta. I have no idea when or how long these timeframes are. I am off them so I didn't add to my signature. It's hard to remember everything over several years!  :idiot: Do the best you can  :thumbsup:



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