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Lasik surgery...anyone???


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Has anyone had Lasik surgery while tapering or during recovery??


I am just so sick of my glasses!! I just got new ones, and they are worse than my old ones. Can't see squat!!! And, they are creating a ton of sore spots behind my ears and on my nose.


So, I am really considering this surgery.




Nana  :smitten:

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I had this done pre benzo, they do give you a valium before the surgery. I would either wait, or ask that they don't give you one.
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I had it pre benzo also and haven't regretted it for a second...

They do put anaesthetic in your eyes... Not sure which one. They also offer a mild sedative for people who are really anxious about it (which you can refuse). Also it itches like hell for a couple of days and you can't really see for a day except through half opened eyes. Bit like having sand in your eye. Eases off quickly enough.

Piece of cake compared to w/d though.

I'd probably wait until you feel well enough to do it.

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I personally wouldn't do it. I've had two eye surgeries because I had to, so I wouldn't be doing any non-essential procedures on my eyes.
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I had it done years ago and my experience was similar to Alex's.


I was almost legally blind and went back almost to 20/20.  It has been six years and I do need reading glasses now, but I would have been a Mr. Magoo without the surgery.

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Thanks everyone!!!


So, for those of you that had it done...would you consider having it done while tapering or in recovery?? I am doing pretty good right now, and have been for the last few months. Almost 80% back to normal on my slow taper. I am just soooo sick of glasses. I have been wearing them since I was 7 years old. And, they keep getting thicker every time I have to get new glasses.


I would, of course, refuse the valium or any other sedation. I doesn't make me anxious to think about having it done. I would love to just get it done and over with.


Would love to hear what you all would do, if you wanted to get it done now.




Nana  :smitten:

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