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I have a friend who just started taking gabapentin for anxiety. He said it works well. He also takes an ssri. He does not take a benzo

My question is this. The dR. guiding me on a 2.5 % a week titration off 3mg. of klonopin x 15 years told me not to take gabapentin. He said it will just boost the effect of the klonopin like I would just be taking more making the titration last even longer. He said just stay on my supplements and don't add an SSRI OR Gabapentin as it will just make matters worse. Any opininions. He said it will take me 10 months to get off the klonopin gradually but not to add any more psych drugs to the mix. Any opinions. Thanks

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I don't see the question here.  Your friend is in a totally different situation than you are.  Just because a drug works for some people doesn't mean it's appropriate for everyone. 
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I took gabapentin (with klonopin and later with Ativan), c/t'd it in December '13, c/t'd Ativan in January '14 and reinstated gabapentin (300 mg) a month after my Ativan c/t.  I'm pretty sure that the gabapentin alleviated my Ativan withdrawal symptoms.  I know that I slept better.


I c/t'd the gabapentin again after using it for two months with only minor withdrawal issues (mostly sleep-related).  Did my use of gabapentin delay my recovery?  Impossible to know.  Some people are sensitive to it (almost as bad as they are to benzos).  I didn't have a big problem to my knowledge, and it may have helped me through a tough time in my early withdrawal from Ativan.  However, it is definitely another med and its effects on you are impossible to know with certainty.


It seems like you've found a physician who will support you through a sensible taper.  Probably smart to go with his guidance.  So many of us got no such professional guidance.

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