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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Breaking the Anxiety/Symptom Cycle & Healing


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Been reading a lot about hope, healing, love, etc.  "They" say you're supposed to be positive to heal.  Negativity thwarts healing.  I get that; it's logical to me and applies to every facet of life.  But... man... it is terribly challenging to be positive with this w/d stuff... esp. in the early stages.  And especially when the chemical "benzo lies" seem so often out of your control.  I'm still working on re-framing negative thoughts, though.  What else can I do.  That's a process, too.


Can the brain still heal even though negative thoughts are coursing through it most of the time?



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My thought is that a positive outlook makes you feel better while healing, but doesn't hinder healing.  The healing happens anyway, it just feels worse.
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Funny how you brought this up because I read about this the other day and it's been on my mind.  How in the world do you stay positive when you feel crappy every single day?  It's not like a cold where symptoms let up in a few days and you know you're going to get better.  With this process, it's sooooo long that it's hard to accept, and before you know it you're doubting you're ever going to get better.  It's a vicious cycle. 


However, I've been largely negative during this whole process, but I know some things have healed regardless.  For instance, the palpitations have died down substantially to the point where I don't even think about it anymore, my appetite has improved, and thankfully some of the throat jerk symptoms seem to have gone away on their own.  The other symptoms still bite, though.


Benzos really are a trap with sharp teeth.  Thinking positive seems to have helped some, so I'm going to give it a shot.  I used to be that way before this mess, but benzos wrecked that aspect of my life also.

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