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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Butt Pain/ Rectal and Pelvic Pressure??????


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I posted yesterday but thought if I made my subject title more to the point I’d get a bigger response.


Has anyone had a lot of butt pain/ pressure in the rectum, vagina and bladder/ general pelvic pressure.  It literally feels like I’ve been sitting on a hard bicycle seat for days???  It’s freaking me out and causing my health anxiety to thinks of all kind of horrible things that this could be instead of just withdrawal symptoms.


Briefly – I’m tapering off a 6 to 7 weeks course of low dose Xanax .25 once daily.  I’m down to ¼ in morn, ¼ at night.  It’s such a low dose that I’ve been on it’s hard for me to believe it’s causing this much discomfort!!


Thank you everyone!! 


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Hi lizzieb


I don't have pain and pressure but I do have numbness in my anus and vagina.  I have difficulty with bowel movements because I can't feel properly and don't seem to know when I need to go. I do have pain when trying to go but I have haemorroids too which complicates matters., My GP examined me and gave me suppositories for haemorroids. I think there is some disruption of the signals from my brain due to benzo withdrawal.


This is my most upsetting symptom.


If benzo withdrawal can cause pain and pressure in other parts of the body  then it can do so in all parts. If you are worried get the doctor to check it out.



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Hi Lizzy, Just wanted to let you know there is a very long thread here somewhere on butt pain.

I have butt and groin pain and burning. A lot of people on here have this so you are not alone.


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lizziebenzo, I have had every test possible for rectal burning and pain. I had 2 MRIs, Xrays, nerve conduction tests, a colonoscopy, 2 epidural injections which all found nothing. This is definitely benzo w/d. You are not alone in this. I also have seen a gyn at the Mayo Clinic(where I had injections) who ruled out pelvic floor problems.
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  • 1 year later...

While I do realize this is an older thread, I was awoken in the middle of the night with excruciating rectal pain!! The pain felt as if I needed to have a bowel movement but that wasn't it. (There was vibration..spasms...tugging and pulling sensations very painful!) I used a heating pad...with it located on my lower back and buttocks for TWO hours before the pain subsided! So thankful it went away and I hope that pain never comes again!! YIKES!!!!


stay strong BB'S!!  :smitten::hug:

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  I have this also but mostly in the vaginal area.  Pressure, burning thinking I have a UTi but don't.  I am getting ready to see a Urologist to rule out anything but this is a terrible symptom and my worst right now.  I hope it lifts for you permanently.  I have found nothing that helps except the pain meds I am on but I will have to wean off these also at some point.  Oh how I hate these drugs.  I hope today is better and you never feel that pain again, I know how awful it is.
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  I have this also but mostly in the vaginal area.  Pressure, burning thinking I have a UTi but don't.  I am getting ready to see a Urologist to rule out anything but this is a terrible symptom and my worst right now.  I hope it lifts for you permanently.  I have found nothing that helps except the pain meds I am on but I will have to wean off these also at some point.  Oh how I hate these drugs.  I hope today is better and you never feel that pain again, I know how awful it is.


Thank you freeme! :smitten:

I am so sorry you too are having this horrible sx. I'm not sure if my pain (nerves, pressure and pain) is due from the two major surgeries I've had in a years time. I'm thinking it could be being affected (nerve healing) in "old" surgery incisions. I had a hysterectomy a year ago with one ovary remaing, and then had to have major emergency surgery this past sept to remove the remaining ovary because it had twisted and the blood flow had been completely cut off.


I hope that you get relief soon! :hug:

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