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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

So Scared!


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I've been milk titrating, started cutting only .2ml per day, got to .4ml and am holding there because I'm already feeling withdrawal.  How is that possible at that small amount??  for only 3 days??  I'm a nervous wreck, shaky, weak legs and hot skin.  I didn't have that much withdrawal when I dry cut .25mg (before I found benzo buddies). 


How will I ever get thru this if this small amount is already affecting me this way??  I can handle those withdrawal effects but I'm afraid if they're that pronounced this soon, they'll just be worse the further along I go. 


Anyone else have problems with a milk taper? 

I'm tempted to go back to dry cutting, cut .125mg per month, which would be approx what I'd be cutting by milk tapering at approx 5% every 2 weeks (when I start removing .4ml every day).


If I didn't think I'd run into a Dr. that wanted me off of it, doing a fast taper or worse, I'd be tempted to just stay on it......it seems I'm obsessed with this now and find no relief from the anxiety of just thinking about getting off this crap. 


I feel like I'm a prisoner to a drug and to a prescription pad that I have no control over.  It scares me to stay on it and it scares me to go off of it. 

Should I stick with milk taper a while longer or go back to dry cutting?



Edited for more info

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I do a .001mg a day cut and have been. Most of my symptoms have resolved now and I am happy with it, I don't care for the amount of time it takes but I chose this way to have some sort of life during tapering.



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How long did you do your regular dose with milk before you started making cuts?  Hopefully, at least a week (or two or more).  Some people have reported problems with milk (I have no idea why it should make a difference, but it apparently does).  When one switches medication forms, one needs to give it sufficient time to see how they do before they make any cuts.


Also - some meds ingested as or with food can be impacted by whatever you've recently consumed.  I used to have a good reference for that info, but haven't been able to find it recently.


Please try not to be scared (it doesn't help).  You're going to be fine. 

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laura, I'm glad your taper is going well!  I wish I could go that slow but I'm afraid my Dr. will retire before I'm done tapering.  More and more Dr.s around here are taking people off of benzos, and we know they are clueless about how to taper.  Congrats on slow and steady progress! 


badso, no, I didn't wait to start tapering.  Maybe that's the problem?  I could try it again and not taper for a couple of weeks.  Maybe a water titration would be better?  I know milk is recommended but I read back thru the titration part of the forum and read that people did have succes with water. 


Thank you both for responding. 



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Or possibly vodka.  Meds better dissolve in the alcohol.  In milk and water it's more of a suspension and will settle over time.  It's only a little vodka - not enough to rev up one's system (less than one would find in many cough medicines).
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whole milk is not a suspension, the drug is fully dissolved and in the fat of the milk which is why whole milk is the best. Water is suspension not whole milk.
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I think I'm going to stick with a dry cut for now.  .125mg/month.  I tried cutting the yellow clonazepam I have now and it's easier to cut with a pill splitter than the green ones I had, they crumbled.  The pharmacy said they could get those for me each month.  I'll decide what I'm going to do about the lower doses once I get there. 


Thanks laura and badso. 

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