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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

My Story


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I am joining Benzo Buddies because I have been struggling physically and mentally from withdrawal of Klonopin.


I know now I was experiencing severe burnout and work/family stress and was suffering from sleepless nights and memory fog from fatigue.


I was given ADHD meds for the day(which I only took for 2 weeks) and Klonopin at night to sleep. I never knew the extent of damage KLonopin would have on my mental state. 


I was on Klonopin for around 2 years (I know now I should have taken better journal entries/logs).  I am off the drug now but now have panic attacks, concentration issues, and physical distress.

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Hello NIE,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


Congratulations on being free of Klonopin. I'm so sorry you're still struggling with symptoms.  I believe you will find some common ground with our members.  Please don't give up hope for recovery.  Sometimes it takes much longer than we would like, but I believe we will all eventually recover.


Here are some links you may find helpful:


The Ashton Manual


Post withdrawal recovery support


Please Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.



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Hello NIE,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


Congratulations on being benzo free!


I'm also sorry to hear you are suffering, how long have you been off the klonopin. Sadly it can take a while for a full recovery to take place and for the central nervous system to heal fully after long term benzo use but you will make a full recovery with time, that's for sure. The symptoms you are describing sound like typical withdrawal effects, I've had all of these myself. Although symptoms can be very distressing, they are temporary and cant hurt you and they will peter out completely as you begin to recover. If, however, you wold like feedback about these or any other symptoms please feel free to post questions on The Post-Withdrawal recovery support board, Juliea has given you a link to it.


Here also is a link to a post created by one of the members here, Parker. This post explains, in layman's terms, excatly what is involved with a full recovery after benzo use and why it can take many months for some. i hope it helps to give you a better understanding of the healing process, I know it helped me and many other members. Here is a link to "What is happening in your brain! :





I'm glad you found us and I wish you a speedy recovery.



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Welcome  :) withdrawal symptoms can be pretty awful. Everything you describe are classic withdrawal symptoms. As unpleasant as they are they are only temporary and time is the healer. It would be helpful to know what dose you were taking.
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Thanks for these stories very helpful and encouraging that there is life after this pain! 


I went up and down but mainly was taking .5 MG of Klonopin every night. At this stage every day is a major struggle. Intense anxiety when I wake up every morning, all the time on weekends and at several points of the day. I can't trust my body, emotions or mind most days. Scary not knowing how you will feel at any moment in time. My nerves twitch, teeth will chatter and the middle of my head tightens up.


I feel my body fighting itself(soon after I tapered off I had Lichen planus auto immune virus) which I believe was caused by the detox. Most evenings I am exhausted and can't think straight. Skins broken out as well....


The hardest thing is there is no way to escape. Sleep is not relieving at all and has become another task to get through the day... can't drink or take any simple over the counter aid. Feels like a marathon fight without a break... >:(


Thanks again for all the support reading these threads is great. :)



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