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Klonopin stash question


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Hello, to Whomever reads this,


I got sick of anxiety about anxiety meds. Fear of running out before completing a taper, etc. So some time back, i began to create a small horde, or stash, or whatever those things are called, that are related to hidden-away supplies of illicit and illicit substances.


My question, is  for somebody who is qood with math. At say, and average rate of 10% reduction every 10 days, would a stash of about 1100 mgs of Klonopin suffice to get to zero, when factoring in the gradual reduction? Or should I obtain more? I'm hoping its enough because, I'm at 6 mg per day, with insurance is only covering 2 mg. I can probably depend on that 2 mg for at least another 6 months to year or so if desired (its not, I wish I could wave a magic wand over myself and make this dependance/addiction go away yesterday, and get on with a yoga and exercise/diet plan to deal with any anxiety that life invokes), but not so sure of balance.


As an aside, having such a large quantity of this med is not in anyway a temptation. I have never experienced euphoria from these things. If I take more than what I currently seem to  need to function normally (as in,  I currently take primarily to avoid withdrawal symptoms), I just become very sleepy. Without going into too much detail, I was on 2 mg twice a day initially for the better part of a year, because of some traumatic life changes (as in, entire rug--of-life pulled out from under my feet..) causing panic attacks, one which ended with me in an ER. Opiates are another story...compared to benzos,  I can become dependent and engage in addict like behavior very easily with those animals, and just my luck, I suffered two major injuries over past year, both of which had me on high doses of oxycodone for pain (NSAIDs weren't an option for a couple of medical reasons), and when I was cut off, I none-too-wisely upped my dose klonopin to help deal with the withdrawals (along with a couple other symptom meds, like Imodium AD  and antihistamines), and I obtained more without my PCPs knowledge (The PCP will only occasionally up the gabapentin dosage, but not the klonopin), via the IOP route (which is also  I stockpiled). Which in a nutshell, is how I ended up where I am now.


So long story short, should the above mentioned stash suffice throughout a tapering process, when factoring in the gradually reducing dosage? Hopefully with some left over to flush down the toilet, triumphantly? Because if so, I can save money in a couple ways, and if not, I'd like to have a sufficient quantity going into this, so I don't have a nagging fear of running out at some point (IOP disappearing from landscape, etc), and suffering severe withdrawal, so will wrap up the pre-tapering process based on feedback, and if the consensus is, I might need more, than so be it.


Deep thanks in advance for any answers, help and suggestions,




(I desperately want my life back without having to depend on benzos)


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It's going to be tough to estimate whether the saved pills will cover your taper or not.  1100mg divided by 6mg daily equals 183 days (six months roughly) and that's without tapering.


It'll be hard to know how fast or slow you'll be able to go.  If this is your first withdrawal from benzodiazepines it may go easier than if it's a second, third or fourth withdrawal.


But there's a start… 6 months @ 6mg.  Hopefully someone will come along who can rough out a taper with your info.



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Hi Challis, I appreciate the quick reply! That sounds promising. I do hope to have it finished in 6 months, if not sooner (assuming I can handle the 10 day, 10 percent tapers, when it approached the finish line. I will go down to 5%, or stay at a dose longer before dropping 10%, if it starts to cause me problems).


Yeh,  this will for all practical purposes be like my first attempt, even though I managed to drop down I mg after previous accident, during the time when i was off opiates (I switched from oxy after injury to suboxone for a few months, tapered off the suboxone), then after I felt stabilized in opiate WDs dep't,  I started in on a Klonpin taper, and made the previous mentioned progress. All before the bad cycle accident which  tore up my shoulder, the part of humerus (har har) bone which is the ball at then end of that bone, inside the rotater cuff.


Not that all of this info is directly related to the question, but my previous accident was a smashed foot that had me in a cast up to my knee for 4.5 months (and an ortho boot another month); ortho doc said many of his colleagues would have opted for surgery (and a lot of metal in my foot), but he thought he could spare me that misery, and thankfully, he was right. I've never been an accident prone type either, but the last year or so, my previous luck in that dep't has seemingly caught up with me. And really, the worst part, psychologically anyway,  has been dealing with the med aftermath. At least that's how it feels at this moment anyway, now that I have put some distance between the first night in the ER and where I am today.


Once again, muchas gracias for responding.

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