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Dupuytrens contracture


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Really? What symptoms did you have? I havetrouble with my right hand. Started in withdrawal so I'm sure this is one of the crazy symptoms. :(
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Yep, I had symptoms of that briefly in acute w/d. Never got diagnosed and it went away. I am of Scandinavian heritage though, so it is more prevalent in N. Europeans. I would guess maybe it shows up more in people that have a genetic link to the disease even if they would have normally never gotten it. Just glad it's gone. It was only on my left hand too.  :crazy:
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I just looked up...and I wish I hadn't.  :D  Aaack!


I may have a mild case of it - the little finger on my left hand is slightly twisted.  I always thought it was "only" arthritis.


Oh, well....



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I just looked up...and I wish I hadn't.  :D  Aaack!


I may have a mild case of it - the little finger on my left hand is slightly twisted.  I always thought it was "only" arthritis.


Oh, well....




Yeah, I know, I should just avoid reading anything medical. Men are 10 times more likely to have it than women. I still think it can be a symptom for people in withdrawal though.

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Ok, here is my story for Dupuytren's contracture.


2012 - right after a dental cleaning that included a fluoride treatment both of my hands changed almost overnight. Within a week I had some curving upward of the fingertips when my hand was out straight plus some very prominent cord like manifestations in my palms, left hand worse than right but still in both hands.


Google acquainted me with Dupuytren's. I proposed this theory to three doctors, my PCP, endocrinologist and rheumotologist. All agreed that yes, it looked like Dupuytren's. I even got a referral to a radiologist who has a technique of using radiation on the palms instead of doing surgery. I had an appointment with him. He told me he would do radiation at 10% contracture. I was only about 6%.


This is the same time that I had a Lupus ddx. My double strand DNA was 175 when it should be below 30. Btw, that has also normalized. I went on an antiinflammitory, modified paleo diet, finished my taper, got some distance between me and benzos,  lost a bunch of weight, started moving more and getting generally healthier.


When my next appointment for radiation evaluation came up, my hands weren't worse, so I cancelled it. Slowly, slowly, they have gotten better. I still have the cords or tendons in the palms, but I can fully straighten my hands. My endocrinologist said he could still feel a nodule in my left hand and that I might still develop Dupuytren's fully. I don't think I will.


It is an autoimmune disorder and no one knows why it happens. It is more common in males of Scandinavian and Nordic descent and even more common with alcohol use. To me, it seems reasonable that benzos could affect our immune system exactly like alcohol can since both bind to  the gabba-a receptors.


I fretted endlessly about this particular diagnosis. The change in my hands was very real and very measurable. It was not just my overactive imagination. But here's the thing...it got better! This benzo journey is the weirdest thing I've ever been through. Almost nothing surprises me anymore.


Ok, that's my story. Hope it helps.




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Thank you for sharing your story with me. It sounds like I have the same. I don't have very prominent cords but there is a bump on the tendon between my thumb and the pointing finger. If I try to stretch my hand it goes back to go back to more curb position. I don't know the right words for this in English. When did you start to feel better?
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My fingertips also have this small curb upwards when I straighten my hand out. I didn't know that was a symptom of this disease. I really hope this is withdrawal.
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