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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Cold turkey withdrawal from Klonapin after 6 months and attempted over dose


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Hi guys. I'm 20 years old and was on 2 mg of klonapin twice a day. I didn't take it every day so sometimes I would go no days taking it, and other days I would take up to 6. After getting really depressed, I attempted to commit suicide and took about 35 2 mg. It's been 3 weeks since then and the withdrawal has been Hell. I just stopped taking them and I'm afraid I've done permanent damage. I never sweat before and I worked out every day. Now I can barely ride my bike a mile and I'm drenched in sweat by the end. I've lost 10 pounds and have to force myself to eat. I can't even make it through an hour of pilates and light is hurting me like crazy. Last week the panic attacks were so bad I was in the fetal position. The panic attacks are way better. My main symptoms include


- TERRIBLE migraines

- Light sensitivity

- Irregular and fast heart to the point I can't work out

- I couldn't sleep more than 20 minutes, now it's gone up to 2 hours

- Sweating which I never did

- Not feeling like I'm in my body.

- Weight loss

- Mood swings

- Panic attacks

- Twitching and spasms

- Being afraid to talk to people and I'm usually very social


A lot of the psychological symptoms have decreased but are still there. Now I'm mainly dealing with physical symptoms which are embarrassing. The scariest thing was the outer body experience. I still don't feel like it's me :( I'm terrified and feel like I've done permanent damage. I'm having a hard time with words and can't remember lyrics to song. Did I do permanent damage? Should I go to a psychiatrist who can help me taper off or just push it out since it's been 3 weeks. Did I do anything permanent? I want to be back to normal and am afraid this is irreversible because I tried to OD. Thanks to anyone who can help!


Also I haven't had any ringing in my ears, but people say they developed it. Can my withdrawal get worse or have I reached the peak?

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Fortunately for you it sounds like typical withdrawal. I have had the same symptom s , so have everyone else . The healing takes awhile. Give it time and you should be just fine, I know right now it does my seem like you'll be better . Good luck to you my friend :) :) ;);D:)
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As the previous poster said, this will pass.  You haven't done permanent damage, however it feels very scary right now, I know.  The most encouraging thing I see in your post are several references to some of the symptoms decreasing already.  That's good news.


In the future, subsequent use of benzodiazepines and more tapers can cause something called kindling.  It means each withdrawal can be more difficult that the rest due to heightened sensitivity of the central nervous system.


Take care… Challis

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The acute period is certainly the worst. Mine lasted six weeks, with the first two weeks being the worst.  I suffered horrific mental symptoms during the acute phase. Many of us in early withdrawal feel that we have caused permanent damage to ourselves but we haven't.  You will find many people here that share you massive weight lose and the DP/DR feeling. I think it is terrific that a few of your symptoms have lessened. As awful as all your symptoms are they are only temporary. Things will get better. I think you find that benzo buddies is a great place for support. Remember, if you feel like you did three weeks ago go to the hospital. They are there to help. I was a frequent flyer there in my acute phase. I managed to be there 10 times in 35 days.
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