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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I've lost so many years of my life.


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I've chosen to join BB because Doctors just simply don't get the severity that this medication has on the brain.  Those of you here at BB do tho.


I have been on xanax for 11 years, once was on 4mg a day for 5 years. At some point got it down to 1mg 2yrs ago. Now currently down to .37. (.25 and a half) As of 10 days ago I've switched over to Diazapam after reading the Ashton Manuel.  I'm on 6mg Diazapam and will hold here till i adjust. Then I will take out 1mg every 14days.


This has been the worst experience of my life. I've lost so many years to xanax. It truly is Satan's best friend. I feel like I've been a prisoner of war. It got to the point I had to stop working. Had to many horrific symptoms.


One symptom that has drove me insane for two straight years now is I guess what you call brain zaps that come with dizzy off balance feeling. Mine are only on the left side of my head. when I look back and forth with my eyes its like a shooting sensation from the corner of my left eye to the side and back of the left side of my head.  Again, only on the left side. It's where it started when I reaLized 2yrs ago that perhaps Tolerance withdrawal was causing it and it currently is still there. It's pretty much constant too. Can any of you relate to this all being localized on one side?




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Hi BenzoHELL30, and welcome to BenzoBuddies!  We're glad you have found us, and you'll find a lot of information and support here.  Our members are happy to share their withdrawal experiences, and although withdrawal symptoms can be severe, they are only temporary.  Time is the healer, and you will heal eventually...


I understand how you feel about Xanax, since I was on high doses of Xanax for 13 years.  Switching over to diazepam helped me because diazepam is more sedating.  My brain zaps went away after I'd tapered off, and it's not unusual to feel symptoms strongly on one side of the body.  It's often the left side, strangely. It was that way for me but I never thought much about it since I'm left-handed.  Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Good to know I'm not alone. Sometimes I get scared and wonder if the the AD I'm currently on is causing it. Been on it (Effexor Xr 150mg) for 6years is causing it. It didn't in the beginning though and I've never adjusted my dose. So I'll worry that all this fight to get off the benzos will be all for little and I'll still have my crazy brain zaps and imbalance until I'm off Effexor too.


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Good to know I'm not alone. Sometimes I get scared and wonder if the the AD I'm currently on is causing it. Been on it (Effexor Xr 150mg) for 6years is causing it. It didn't in the beginning though and I've never adjusted my dose. So I'll worry that all this fight to get off the benzos will be all for little and I'll still have my crazy brain zaps and imbalance until I'm off Effexor too.



I've been on citalopram for 8 years now, and I've currently tapered down to 25% of my original dose.  But the brain zaps afflicted me only during my Xanax withdrawal.  I haven't had any brain zaps while tapering citalopram, though I've had cog fog and a few other symptoms.

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Good luck dear Benzohell


It wont be easy but then neither has your many year on xanax. There is an Ashton Method support thread in the support threads section. Sometimes call outs on support threads get more hits then general forum call outs and since you are essentially following Ashton then that might be a good place for support.


Wishing you all the best and speedy healing




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Hi Benzohell


I get what you are saying about the doc's not understanding the sevarity of benzo w/d. I can't believe my doc just cont to give me prescriptions for 8 years. I am actually quite angry some days when the w/d is bad.


Good luck with everything!

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