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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Depression!!!! Help!!!


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Ok. I took my last 30 mg of Temazapem back in June 29 2013. The major withdrawal symptoms went away. That was until March of 2013 when I went into a deep depression. I was put on  Celexa at 10 mg... I stayed on it for a month because it made me fat. Then in April I was switched to effexor 75mg then I went to 150mg for 10 weeks total. The effexor made me suicidak so I went to the hospital and they put me on geodon. I stayed on geodon for about 15 days. I wanted no more of these stupid drugs. They weaned me off the effexor in five days. Now I'm feeling depressed and suicidal. I have these waves of unbearable depression. Am I going through benzo withdrawal or is it the effexor withdrawal. I never felt so depressed until I took those benzos and I've never needed psych drugs to deal with life. It wasn't until I took these stupid benzos that I've been on drugs. What do I do? Please God help me. I'm tired of this...  :'(



Edit:  edited post title to comply with self harm policy



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I edited the title of your post to comply with our self-harm policy.


I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time.  When we're going through poly-drug withdrawals, it's sometimes hard to tell what symptoms are caused by what drug.  But things will get better, the feelings you are experiencing are temporary.  Please do not consider a permanent solution for a temporary problem.


I believe you need to get face-to-face, on the ground support right now.  As a forum we are not equipped to provide support related to self-harm.  This is best done with a doctor who has experience with these types of things and can see you in person. 


Here are some resources for you:  Resources for Suicide, Self-Harm & Threatening behavior


Please take care of yourself and I believe seeing a doctor and leveling with them, is the best care you can provide for yourself right now.




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I have been severely severely depressed for the last 14 months, once i went into tolerance withdrawl. I can only assume its the benzo wd. Sorry you are in the same boat. PM me anytime....
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